# Utilities
Utilities not directly related to the UI
- vue-underscore (opens new window) - simple vue plugin to implement underscore
- vue-lazy-calc (opens new window) - A simple calculation plugin in lazy && chaining way with strong typed.
- vue-loadable (opens new window) - A plugin to improve loading state control with pretty simple methods, decorators and helpers
- vueuse (opens new window) - Collection of essential Vue Composition API utils works for Vue 2.x and 3.x
- vue-composable (opens new window) - Vue composition-api composable components. i18n, validation, pagination, fetch, etc. +30 variable composable functions
- vue-condition-watcher (opens new window) - Vue Composition API for automatic fetch data when condition has been changed
- vue-use (opens new window) - Use magic Vue Composition APIs to provide a lot of reusable logic, such as form, table and loading, etc.
- vue-concurrency (opens new window) - Library for encapsulating asynchronous operations and managing concurrency for Vue and Composition API
- vue-ics (opens new window) - Vue.js plugin for generating ICalendar (.ics) files
- vue-use-switch-map (opens new window) - The power of the RxJS switchMap operator injected into the Vue composition world
- vue-use-infinite-scroll (opens new window) - A Vue composition function that makes infinite scroll a breeze
- vue-with-wrapper (opens new window) - An object deconstruction used in
- vesselize (opens new window) - A JavaScript IoC container that works seamlessly with Vue.js
- vue-context-composition (opens new window) - Share state created with the composition API between components, similar to
from React Hooks - vuex-overlay-tools (opens new window) - A Vue 3 plugin for monitoring Vuex store (time-travel is also supported)
- vuse-rx (opens new window) - Complete first-class RxJS support for Vue 3
- vue-props-validation (opens new window) - Vue props validation logic extracted for nested validations in objects and arrays using the Vue Native syntax
- vue-next-rx (opens new window) - Complete RxJS integration for Vue.js. (Update of vue-rx)
- fontawesome-autogen (opens new window) - Automatically detect and import fontawesome icons used in your webapp
# Typescript
- vue-typed (opens new window) - Sets of ECMAScript / Typescript decorators that helps you write Vue component easily.
- vue-typescript (opens new window) - Typescript decorators to make vue feel more typescripty.
- vue-property-decorator (opens new window) - Vue.js and Property Decorator.
- vue-typescript-component (opens new window) - Decorators to use TypeScript classes as Vue.js 2.0 components.
- vue-typescript-import-dts (opens new window) - TypeScript declaration file that allows using 'import' with .vue files.
- vue-ts-loader (opens new window) - Type-check your script in your vue-loader.
- vue-mixin-decorator (opens new window) - Typescript decorator for strongly typed Mixins.
- vue-ts-component-generator (opens new window) - A simple cli tool for generating vue typescript components.
- vue-local-storage-decorator (opens new window) - Persist data by using local storage in decorator format
- vuex-module-decorators (opens new window) - Typescript/ES7 Decorators to make Vuex modules a breeze
- vuex-class-modules (opens new window) - Introduce a simple type-safe class style syntax for your vuex modules, inspired by vue-class-component.
- vue-corator (opens new window) - Vue typescript decorator utils
- vuedts (opens new window) - Generate TypeScript declaration files for .vue files
- @icare-jp/vue-props-type (opens new window) - Helps to define the props type
- vue-facing-decorator (opens new window) - Vue 3 TypeScript class component decorators, like
in Vue 2
# HTTP Requests
Retrieve data over HTTP
- vue-resource (opens new window) - The HTTP client for Vue.js.
- vue-async-computed (opens new window) - Async computed properties for Vue.js.
- vue-jsonp (opens new window) - A tiny library for handling JSONP request.
- v-model (opens new window) - V-Model is a model plugin for Vue.js, like ng-resource.
- vue-resource-mock (opens new window) - A helper to mock your http response, based on vue-resource's interceptor.
- vue-async-data-2 (opens new window) - Async data loading plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-api-request (opens new window) - A plugin that provides full control on your APIs, making your request simple, fast, and easy to implement
- vue-fast-axios (opens new window) - Make requests with validations in a simple and beautiful way.
- vue-async-properties (opens new window) - An
plugin with support for debouncing, transforming results, error handlers, loading/pending flags, lazy/eager requests. - vue-axios-plugin (opens new window) - A plugin that combines axios with Vuejs, making http request more easier.
- zipkin-instrumentation-vue-resource (opens new window) - An interceptor for
that instruments outgoing HTTP requests with Zipkin (opens new window) - vue-api-query (opens new window) - Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API.
- vue-chimera (opens new window) - A full-featured RESTful resource based client, compatible with Nuxt.js and allows server-side fetch
- vue-apis (opens new window) - A vue plug-in integrated with axios that chain-builds API instances. Available from the context of a vue instance (eg: this.$apis.apiName()).
- rexios (opens new window) - Utils normalize URL, data, params for Axios when using REST API request
- vue-axillo (opens new window) - Composable Axios for REST API with query notation GraphQL
- vue-request (opens new window) - Vue 3 Composable for data fetching, supports SWR, polling, error retry, cache request, pagination, and other cool features
- swrv (opens new window) - Stale-while-revalidate data fetching for Vue
- vue-vroom (opens new window) - A plugin for REST APIs that lets you quickly generate type safe stores and a mock API with minimal config
- tanstack-query (opens new window) - Powerful asynchronous state management
# i18n
Internationalization / L10n / localization / translation
- vue-i18n (opens new window) - Internationalization plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-translate-plugin (opens new window) - VueJS plugin for translations.
- vuex-i18n (opens new window) - Localization plugin for vue.js 2.0 using vuex as store.
- vue-gettext (opens new window) - Translate your Vue.js applications with gettext.
- vue-i18n (opens new window) - A small plugin for implementing translations in Vue.js.
- vue-multilanguage (opens new window) - Support many languages in Vue.js 2.
- vue-ts-locale (opens new window) - A plugin for implementing translations using Intl in Vue.js 2 with typescript support.
- vue-i18next (opens new window) - A i18next wrapper to support translations in Vue.js 2.
- vue-polyglot (opens new window) - Basic translation plugin for Vue.js 2 with async loading.
- v-localize (opens new window) - Simple localization plugin for the amazing Vue.js.
- vue-simple-i18n (opens new window) - Probably the thinnest library to end all Vue i18n solutions within 1kb
- template-string-i18n (opens new window) - I18n using template strings with auto save/load translate documents.
- vue-translations (opens new window) - Translate your vuejs application easy with it.
- vue-i18n-service (opens new window) - Export and import
's SFC translations - vue-i18n-filter (opens new window) - Vue filter extend for Vue-i18n, simply using
{{ hello world | t }}
. - vue-translation-manager (opens new window) - Interactively find and translate strings in your Vue.js application. Works well with vue-18n and vuex-i18n.
- vue-t9n (opens new window) - Simplest way to translate your applications
- vue-simple-inline-translation (opens new window) - A Vue component that simplifies the way text is translated: by translating it inline.
- vue-i18n-extract (opens new window) - Manage vue-i18n localization with static analysis. Make reports about missing and unused i18n entries.
- vscode-vue-i18n-ally (opens new window) - VSCode extension for better Vue-i18n experiences.
- v-intl (opens new window) - Global Intl wrapper for your awesome Vue 3 app
- excel-vue-i18n (opens new window) - A plugin transforms excel file to i18n json format for translations
- vue-i18n-lite (opens new window) - A super lightweight and minimal plugin that introduces internationalization into your Vue.js app with a simple API
- v-google-translate (opens new window) - A component that use Google Translate to internationalize your Vue.js app
- fluent-vue (opens new window) - Internationalization plugin for Vue.js (2 and 3). Vue.js integration for Fluent.js - JavaScript implementation of Project Fluent
- localize-vue-2x (opens new window) - Uni Localization Vue 2 integration example. Customizable Language Menu widget built with Web Components
- localize-vue-3x (opens new window) - Uni Localization Vue 3 integration example. Customizable Language Menu widget built with Web Components
- vue-next-i18n (opens new window) - A lightweight internationalization plugin for Vue 3
- tolgee/vue (opens new window) - Web-based localization tool enabling users to translate directly in the Vue 3 app they develop
- excel-to-json (opens new window) - An easy tool is created to convert Excel to JSON for i18n
- intlify/vue-i18n-next (opens new window) - Vue I18n for Vue 3
- i18n-pro/vue (opens new window) - Lightweight, simple, flexible, automatic translation internationalization tool for Vue
- i18n-pro/vue2 (opens new window) - Lightweight, simple, flexible, automatic translation internationalization tool for Vue 2
# Custom Events
- vue-events (opens new window) - Simple event handling for Vue.js.
- vue-event-handler (opens new window) - Event handling plugin for VueJS.
- vue-event-manager (opens new window) - The global event manager for Vue.js.
- vue-geb (opens new window) - A global event bus using Observables.
- vue-bus (opens new window) - Tiny simple central event bus plugin for Vue.js 2.
- vue-simple-events (opens new window) - Yet another event management plugin, but WITHOUT Vue instance
- vue-option-events (opens new window) - Bring Vue.js 1 events option and $emit to Vue.js 2.
- vue-emit (opens new window) - A helper function to emit events from functional components
- vue-plugin-events (opens new window) - Simple global event bus for Vue.js applications with automatic subscription control
- vue3-custom-hooks (opens new window) - Build custom hooks for Vue.js 3 Composition API
- vue-catch-hrefs (opens new window) - Catch clicks on hrefs links (in v-html) and route them to vue-router
# Persistence
LocalStorage etc.
- vue-localstorage (opens new window) - Vue.js localStorage plugin with types support.
- vue-ls (opens new window) - Vue plugin for work with LocalStorage from Vue context.
- vue-pouch (opens new window) - Live and reactive bindings for PouchDB. Persist data in IndexedDB and sync with CouchDB.
- vue-idb (opens new window) - Lists and huge lists management with IndexedDB (Dexie.js) only or automatically created and extendible vuex modules
- vue-browserstore (opens new window) - Browser storage wrapper.
- VueStorage (opens new window) - Allows components to save and load their data across browser sessions.
- vue-web-storage (opens new window) - Another Vue.js plugin for localStorage and sessionStorage
- vue-universal-cookies (opens new window) - Isomorphic cookies plugin for Vue.js / Nuxt.js supports Browser, Express, http (node).
- vue2-storage (opens new window) - Browser storage for Vue.js app
- vue-warehouse (opens new window) - A Cross-browser storage for Vue.js and Nuxt.js, with plugins support and easy extensibility based on Store.js.
- vue-storage-watcher (opens new window) / Vue 3 version (opens new window) - A reactive localStorage/sessionStorage plugin for Vue.js with strong typed for Vue 2 / Vue 3
- vue-use-local-storage (opens new window) - A composition API to persist and re-hydrate reactive data to local storage for vue 3
# State Management
- vuex (opens new window) - Centralized State Management for Vue.js.
- vue-sync (opens new window) - Synchronize Vue State with the Browser URL, Server Backend, and other endpoints.
- vuelm (opens new window) - Lightweight state management inspired by Elm architecture.
- vuez (opens new window) - A simple but powerful State Management for Vue.js, with only 2 APIs.
- vuet (opens new window) - Vue.js state management model for Agile Development
- vue-ya-stash (opens new window) - Yet another stash storage with update/patch event emitters similar with v-bind.sync
- vue-assign-model (opens new window) - Automatically assign elements value to model for Vue.js.
- vue-stash (opens new window) - Easily share reactive data between your Vue components.
- vue-model (opens new window) - Model component for Vue.js
- tuex (opens new window) - A mostly reasonable alternative to Vuex.
- revuejs (opens new window) - A tiny, light and handy state management for vuejs 2, writing less verbose code.
- lue (opens new window) - Vue and vuex based library, writing less verbose code.
- vuex-lite (opens new window) - A 1KB Vuex with just state and mutations.
- vue-shared (opens new window) - A light and simple alternative to vuex
- vuex-module-generator (opens new window) - It allows you to create a vuex module easily.
- vuex-declaration (opens new window) - Declare state like props, make state inject to vuex dynamically when component created.
- vuex-up (opens new window) - Brings mixing and services injector features to module vuex.
- effector (opens new window) - Fast and powerful reactive state manager. Effector lets you write simple, fast and type safe code and manage reactive state with ease.
- nano-state-vue (opens new window) - Efficient, effective, and extensible state management: less is more
- universal-model-vue (opens new window) - Unified state management for Vue (and also for Angular/React/Svelte)
- vue-states (opens new window) - State management system for Vue with same API as Vue components
- v-bucket (opens new window) - Fast, simple and lightweight state management for Vue 3.0 built with composition API, inspired by Vuex
- VueFort (opens new window) - Data modeling for Vue. Works for Vue 2 & 3
- @korijn/vue-store (opens new window) - Lightweight Vue 3 composition API-compatible store pattern library with undo/redo
- vuex-light (opens new window) - State management system with robust typing for Vue 3
- vue-object-state (opens new window) - Simple object/DTO/model state tracking
- vue-datatable-url-sync (opens new window) - Synchronize datatable options and filters with the URL to keep user preference even after refresh or navigation
- vue-path-store (opens new window) - Simple state management that uses the dot notation path syntax, also comes with Vuex and Pinia plugins
- harlem (opens new window) - Simple, unopinionated, lightweight and extensible state management for Vue 3
- hami-vuex (opens new window) - Hami melon flavored Vuex, modular by design, completely TypeScript intelligence, state management for Vue.js
- exome (opens new window) - Simple proxy based state manager for deeply nested states
# Redux
- vuedeux (opens new window) - Binding Solutions for Vue & Redux.
- redux-store-mixin (opens new window) - Mixin for integrate action creators in methods of vue-component
- vue-redux-prepare-props (opens new window) - Helper for use props of Redux with Vue.js using Vuex and Vuedeux
- vuejs-redux (opens new window) - High order component facilities for Vue and Redux.
- vuex-coolstory (opens new window) - Plugin for vuex to run redux-saga.
# Mobx
- movue (opens new window) - Mobx integration for Vue.js.
- vue-mobx (opens new window) - Mobx binding for Vuejs 2.x.
# Pinia
- pinia-shared-state (opens new window) - A lightweight plugin to sync your Pinia state across browser tabs
- pinia-undo (opens new window) - Undo/Redo plugin for Pinia
- pinia-xstate (opens new window) - Put your xstate state machines into a global Pinia store
- pinia-persistedstate (opens new window) - Persist Vuex state with localStorage, like vuex-persistedstate
- pinia-orm (opens new window) - The Pinia plugin to enable object-relational mapping access to the Pinia store
- pinia-di (opens new window) - Dependency injection for Pinia
- pinia-persistedstate-2 (opens new window) - Persist and rehydrate your Pinia state between page reloads
# Authentication/Authorization
- vue-kindergarten (opens new window)
- vue-authenticate (opens new window) - Simple Vue.js authentication library for login/register and OAuth (1.0/2.0) authentication
- vue-facebook-account-kit (opens new window) - Simple vue wrapper to the fb account kit library.
- casl-vue (opens new window) - Restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access
- vue-google-api (opens new window) - A wrapper for easy integration of the Google's APIs client in any vue.js 2 project, based on promises, with built-in Oauth2 "Sign In with Google" facilities.
- vue-auth (opens new window) - A simple light-weight authentication library for Vue.js
- vue-auth-plugin (opens new window) - A simple authentication and authorization library for Vue.js using typescript
- vue-google-signin-button (opens new window) - A simple Vue plugin to include a Google sign-in button into your web app
- vue-facebook-signin-button (opens new window) - A simple plugin to include a custom Facebook sign-in button into your web app
- vue-auth-href (opens new window) - A VueJS directive for downloading files that are under a protected route schema
- vue-msal (opens new window) - Vue plugin for using Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL)
- vue-simple-acl (opens new window) - A simple unopinionated Vue plugin for managing user roles and permissions, access-control list (ACL) and role-based access control (RBAC)
# Vuex Utilities
- vuex-persistedstate (opens new window) - Persist Vuex state with localStorage.
- vuex-plugin-jsdata (opens new window) - A plugin for syncing Vuex store with js-data.
- vuex-local (opens new window) - Local state management within Vuex.
- vuex-action (opens new window) - Utilities for vuex to easily create and manage actions.
- vuex-rest-api (opens new window) - A Helper utility to simplify the usage of REST APIs with Vuex. Based on axios.
- vuex-cache (opens new window) - A Vuex plugin utility to cache action those will make remote request.
- vuex-persist (opens new window) - A Typescript-ready Vuex plugin to help save the store to localStorage or any custom Storage (that you can configure).
- vuex-local-state (opens new window) - Add 'localState/sessionState' options to vuex. Keep the Vuex state with localStorage.
- vuex-action-reload (opens new window) - A vuex plugin that reloads actions when a condition is met.
- vuejs-storage (opens new window) - Vue.js and vuex plugin to persistence data with localStorage/sessionStorage.
- vuex-orm (opens new window) - The Vuex plugin to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Vuex Store.
- vuex-async-module (opens new window) - Reduce async boilerplate code generating Vuex modules. Compatible with Vue 2.x.
- vuex-iframe-sync (opens new window) - Vuex state synchronization between iframe/window.
- vuex-aspect (opens new window) - Bind remote data of any kind to the vuex store.
- Vuenut (opens new window) - is a component to develop faster and more fluently
- vuex-map-fields (opens new window) - Enable two-way data binding for form fields.
- vuex-search (opens new window) - Vuex binding for client-side search with indexers and Web Workers.
- vuex-pathify (opens new window) - provides a unified path syntax to Vuex stores (such as
) - vuex-loading (opens new window) - Simplify vuex loading state management
- vuex-module-builder (opens new window) - Vuex module builder is a wrapper for writing vuex stores efficiently with some common methods built-in.
- vuex-pagination (opens new window) - Easily work with paginated resources in your Vue/Vuex application. Works well with most of the Vue pagination components.
- vuex-easy-firestore (opens new window) - Easy coupling of Firebase Cloud Firestore and Vuex. 2-way sync with 0 boilerplate!
- vuex-listener (opens new window) - A global Vuex action and mutation listener plugin
- jsonapi-vuex (opens new window) - Use a JSONAPI api with a Vuex store, with client-side restructuring/normalization of records.
- vue-request-store (opens new window) - A Vue & Vuex plugin to simplify tracking API request statuses
- vuexi (opens new window) - Provides utilities to simplify async actions and state management
- stfalcon-vuex-loading-plugin (opens new window) - The easiest way to handle loading state of vuex
- Vue Rest Resource (opens new window) - Rest HTTP resource management for Vue.js and Vuex projects
- Vuex Stateshot (opens new window) - A State Snapshot plugin on Actions/Mutations for Vuex3.1+
- vuex-loopback (opens new window) - Vuex module factory and Vue components for Loopback
- vuex-state-snapshot (opens new window) - A Vuex plugin to take state snapshot on mutation
- vuex-awesome-async (opens new window) - It wraps Vuex stores to easily manage async requests (loading, error and cache state
- vuex-factories (opens new window) - Factory functions to generate vuex actions and mutations
- vuex-hooks (opens new window) - TypeScript enabled Vuex composition-api hooks
- vuex-composition (opens new window) - A util package to use Vuex with Composition API and Reactivity API easily
- vuex-composition-helpers (opens new window) - A util package to use Vuex with Composition API easily
- vuex-ts-enhance (opens new window) - A tool to enhance
methods hint - vuex-masked-modules (opens new window) - A Vuex plugin put data structure of the module in localStorage, with the ability to mask or encrypt the data to make it difficult to explore. Designed for Vue 3 and Vuex 4
# Sync Between Tabs
- vuex-basement (opens new window) - Vuex state persistence and synchronization between tabs/windows.
- vuex-shared-mutations (opens new window) - Share vuex mutations between tabs/windows.
- vuex-multi-tab-state (opens new window) - Share and synchronize status between multiple tabs with this plugin for Vuex
# GraphQL
- vue-apollo (opens new window) - Apollo/GraphQL integration for VueJS.
- vue-relay (opens new window) - A framework for building GraphQL-driven Vue.js applications.
- vuex-orm-apollo (opens new window) - Apollo/GraphQL integration for Vuex-ORM.
- apollo-vue-devtools (opens new window) - Apollo integration for Vue-Devtools to inspect GraphQL queries in the vue-devtools timeline
# Concurrency Management
- vuency (opens new window) - Concurrency management for Vue.js.
# Code Style
Improve readability of code
- vue-types (opens new window) - Vue Prop Types definitions.
- vue-factory (opens new window) - A simple factory/provider extension for Vue.js, like services in Angular.
- eslint-plugin-vue (opens new window) - Eslint plugin for Vue.js projects.
- vue-decorators (opens new window) - Decorators for Vue.js (beta).
- vue-computed-helpers (opens new window) - Computed helpers for Vue.js apps
- vert (opens new window) - Library to build Vue applications in OOP.
- vue-slot-checker (opens new window) - Provide the function to check slot like checking props.
- vue-ts-types (opens new window) - Lightweight TypeScript-first Vue prop type definitions
- vue-bem-cn (opens new window) - Simple BEM class name generator for Vue.JS.
- vue-css (opens new window) - Vue.js plugin that allows you to bundle CSS with your components.
- vue-mods-names (opens new window) - Adding modificators to class names for all components in app.
- vue-styler (opens new window) - Simple, performant styler for vue.
- vue-css-modules (opens new window) - Seamless mapping of class names to CSS Modules inside of Vue components.
- vue-simple-bem (opens new window) - Directive with succint syntax for adding BEM class names to elements.
- fela-vue (opens new window) - CSS-IN-JS mixin for Vue designed for flexibility yet team-oriented.
- j-vue (opens new window)
- vue-spinners-css (opens new window) - Collection of pure CSS vue spinners components, css spinners for ajax or loading animation based on loading.io
- vue-css-doodle (opens new window) - Porting of css-doodle, a web component for drawing patterns with CSS
# Asset Management
Utilities for building / compiling / bundling / loading assets
- vue-script2 (opens new window) - Standardized, designer-friendly script tag behavior for your Single Page App.
- vue-loader (opens new window) - Webpack loader for Vue.js components.
- vueify (opens new window) - Browserify transform for single-file Vue components.
- vue-compiler (opens new window) - A simple cli wrapper around the vue-component-compiler.
- vue-brunch (opens new window) - Adds support to Brunch for pre-compiling single file Vue components.
- poi (opens new window) - Start writing an app with a single .js file, Poi could handle all the development setups for you, no more configuration hell.
- http-vue-loader (opens new window) - Load .vue files directly from your html/js without node.js environment nor build step.
- vue-jsx-hot-loader (opens new window) - Enable HMR for Vue.js components with JSX render functions.
- VueInBrowserLoader (opens new window) - Loads a .vue file from the given URL and compiles it to a component directly in the browser.
- vue-separate-files-webpack-loader (opens new window) - Webpack loader for separated Vue components parts
- vue-svg-loader (opens new window) - webpack loader that lets you use SVG files as Vue components
- vue-registrar (opens new window) - A package that dynamically registers your components and vuex modules - Makes your code a lot readable!
- vue-automatic-import-loader (opens new window) - Webpack loader that auto-imports your Vue single file components by using a match function
- vue-aimg-loader (opens new window) - An easy way to use images in Vue templates without writing CSS
- vite-svg-loader (opens new window) - Vite plugin to load SVG files as Vue components
- vue-sfc-split (opens new window) - Convert SFCs for native browser use without build
- webpack-plugin-qiniu-upload (opens new window) - Vue3, webpack-plugin-qiniu-upload for qiniu(七牛)|aws(亚马逊) cloud upload. Support @vue/cli-service 5.0.x
# Page Navigation
- vue-navigation (opens new window) - A page navigation library, record routes and cache pages, like native app navigation. 一个页面导航库,记录路由并缓存页面,像原生APP导航一样。
- vue-acl (opens new window) - Access Control List for VueJS 2.
- vue-breadcrumbs (opens new window) - Implements simple breadcrumb functionality with vue-router for both Vue 1.x and Vue 2.x.
- vue-2-breadcrumbs (opens new window) - breadcrumb together with vue-router for Vue 2.x. and Bootstrap 4
- vs-crumbs (opens new window) - Vue breadcrumbs in 40 lines of code that allows nested paths without child views.
- vue-nav (opens new window) - Page navigation manager, support all navigation function of native mobile app. 页面导航管理器,支持手机原生应用的所有导航功能。
- vue-2-crumbs (opens new window) - Breadcrumbs plugin for Vue.js 2 framework that allows to select parent route in route meta object with no need of sub-routing. Also allows using dynamic data.
- vue-pesdk (opens new window) - Vue.js wrapper for the PhotoEditorSDK
- vue-resolve (opens new window) - Resolve routes data before entering / rendering the component for that route.
- vue-page-stack (opens new window) - Routing and navigation for your Vue SPA. Vue 单页应用导航管理器
# Miscellaneous
- vue-super (opens new window) - A simple plugin to call methods on parent components.
- @skyrpex/props-to-local (opens new window) - Vue mixin that maps props to local data.
- vue-inject (opens new window) - Dependency injection for Vue 2.x Components
- vue-deepset (opens new window) - Interact with deeply nested fields in Vue/Vuex objects/state with v-model in Vue 1.x and 2.x
- vue-gaspard (opens new window) - DOM helpers plugin for Vue.js
- vue-configuration (opens new window) - A static configuration object for Vue.js
- vue-lodash (opens new window) - A simple wrapper for integrating lodash to Vue 2.
- vue-ramda (opens new window) - Vue Wrapper for ramda (opens new window)
- vue-router-user-roles (opens new window) - Protects routes based on user roles. Add your own authentication.
- vue-messenger (opens new window) - A series of useful enhancements to Vue component props: Transform, Enum-type, Numeric-type, Two-way data bindings.
- vue-uuid-v4 (opens new window) - Plugin Vue2 to easy get UUIDv4
- vue-async-operations (opens new window) - Managing async operations statuses in your Vue components
- vue-direction (opens new window) - Direction aware hover in Vuejs
- vue-unique-id (opens new window) - Generates unique component ids and component-scoped HTML ids.
- stfalcon-vue-di (opens new window) - Lightweight DI for vue components
- vue-uuid (opens new window) - Adds UUID to Vue instance
- vue-injector (opens new window) - Dependency injection for Vue 2.x
- vue-subslot (opens new window) - Vue component to pick 'n choose what you want from a slot
- vue-timed-content (opens new window) - Shows or hides content based on a given time range and timezone
- vue-live (opens new window) - A component to demo components, inspired by react-live
- vue-safe-html (opens new window) - Vue.js directive which renders sanitised HTML dynamically
- v-fetch (opens new window) - Vue.js directive to make AJAX requests
- vue-use-model-helpers (opens new window) - Helper to map properties to local Ref using Composition API for Vue 2.x and 3
- @skirtle/vue-vnode-utils (opens new window) - Helper functions for working with slot VNodes inside render functions in Vue 3
# Web Workers
- vue-worker (opens new window) - A Vue.js plugin to use webworkers in a simple way
- vue-log-worker (opens new window) - A Vue.js plugin to log error and vuex mutations to your backend through a web worker
- jsx-vue-functional (opens new window) - A Babel plugin that brings syntactic sugar for Vue functional components.
- jsx-event-modifiers (opens new window) - A Babel plugin that adds event modifiers similar to Vue templates to JSX.
- jsx-v-model (opens new window) - A Babel plugin that brings
to JSX. - vue-jsx-sync (opens new window) - A Babel plugin that brings vue
sync modifier
to JSX. - vue2-jsx-runtime (opens new window) - A Vue 2 new JSX transform runtime for TSC/SWC. Use Vue 2 JSX with TSC/SWC directly
# Migration
- vue-backbone (opens new window) - Vue.js Plugin to facilitate Backbone integration.
- vue2-migration-helper (opens new window) - Transforms Vue.js SFCs to composition api syntax
# Web Sockets
- vue-socket.io (opens new window) - Socket.io implementation for vuejs.
- vue-websocket (opens new window) - Simple websocket (socket.io) plugin for Vue.js.
- vue-echo (opens new window) - Integrates Laravel Echo into Vue, allows for easy registration of socket events.
- vue-socket-cluster (opens new window) - Web Sockets for vue with uws(Micro web sockets) through socket cluster
- vue-native-websocket (opens new window) - Native websocket implementation for Vuejs 2 and Vuex
- vue-socket.io-extended (opens new window) - Socket.io bindings for Vue.js and Vuex
- vue-phoenix (opens new window) - Elixir Phoenix Web Socket implementation for Vue.js. Also provides TypeScript decorator for better use
# Server-Sent Events
- vue-sse (opens new window) - A Vue plugin for using Server-Sent Events (EventSource)
# Payment
Payment utilities.
# Stripe
- vue-stripe-checkout (opens new window) - A simple vue plugin for Stripe checkout.
- vue-stripe-payment (opens new window) - Vue wrapper for jquery.payment by Stripe.
- vue-stripe-elements (opens new window) - Vue component collection for Stripe.js
- vue-stripe-js (opens new window) - Vue 3 components for Stripe.js
# PayPal
- vue-paypal-checkout (opens new window) - A simple Vue.js wrapper component for paypal-checkout.
# Plaid
- vue-plaid-link (opens new window) - Easy to use Vue component for Plaid Link.