# UI Components

# Table

Tables / data grids

# Notification

Toaster / snackbar — Notify the user with a modeless temporary little popup

# Loader

Loaders / spinners / progress bars — Let the user know that something is loading

# Progress Bar

A slim progress bar at the top of the page

# Tooltip

Tooltips / popovers

# Overlay

Overlay / modal / alert / dialog / lightbox / popup

# Parallax

# Icons

# Marquee

# Minus Plus Input

# Charts

# Time

Display time / date / age

# Calendar

Display non-editable events in a Calendar

# Map

# Audio / Video

# Infinite Scroll

# Pull-to-refresh

# Markdown


# Tree

# Graphs

# Social Sharing

# QR Code

# Miscellaneous UI Components

# Tabs

# Form

Let the user create & edit data

# Phone Number Input Formatter

# Pincode Input

# Picker

# Generator

# Date Picker

Date / datetime / time Picker

# Select

# Slider

# Drag and Drop

# Autocomplete

Autosuggest / autocomplete / typeahead

# Type Select

Let the user select a tag / something while typing

# Color Picker

# Switch

Switch / on/off toggle / checkbox

# Masked Input

# Rich Text Editing

# Image Manipulation

Edit images

Display images

# Video Manipulation

  • vue-playlist (opens new window) - A lightweight vue (2.0) component with no dependencies that offers truly seamless HTML5 video playback. The one and only working solution for seamless video play done with vanilla JS. It takes an array of videos and stitches them together into a single video

# File Upload

# Context Menu

# Miscellaneous Form Components

# Wizard


# Comment System

# Canvas

# Tour

# Data Masking

# Authentication