# UI Components
# Table
Tables / data grids
- vuetable-2 (opens new window) - Data table simplify.
- vue-tables-2 (opens new window) - Vue.js 2 grid components.
- vue-datasource (opens new window) - A Vue.js server-side component to create dynamic tables
- ag-grid-vue (opens new window) - Vue adaptor for ag-Grid
- vue-data-tables (opens new window) - Vue2.0 DataTables, based on element-ui.
- vue-floatThead (opens new window) - Vue 2.0 component for floatThead, a floating & sticky table header plugin.
- vuetiful-datatable (opens new window) - Datatable component with sorting, filtering, pagination, grouping and aggregation.
- vue-materialize-datatable (opens new window) - VueJS datatable for Materialize CSS
- vue-good-table (opens new window) - An easy to use, VueJS (2.x) table plugin with sorting, column filtering, pagination etc.
- vue-grid (opens new window) - A flexible grid component for Vue.js
- vue-easytable (opens new window) - A powerful table components based on Vue2.x
- vue2-datatable-component (opens new window) - The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks
- vue-js-grid (opens new window) - Vue.js 2.x responsive grid system with smooth sorting, drag-n-drop and reordering
- vue-handsontable-official (opens new window) - A Vue.js wrapper for the Handsontable spreadsheet component
- vue-grid (opens new window) - A powerful flexbox grid system for Vue.js 2.x, built with inline-styles
- vue-data-tablee (opens new window) - Based on vue-good-table, a simple and pretty table component
- vue-scrolling-table (opens new window) - Simple table component with flexbox sizing, scrolled table body (horizontal and vertical), slots for all tr/th/td rendering.
- el-search-table-pagination (opens new window) - Combines Form, Table and Pagination components of Element UI together. Based on Vue 2.x.(Detail (opens new window))
- vue-crud-x (opens new window) - Extensible crud component using Vuetify layout, other than the usual page, sort, filter, it is able to do nested CRUD, custom forms, filters, operations.
- Vue Datatable (opens new window) - VueJS powered Datatable with Laravel server-side loading and JSON template setup
- v2-table (opens new window) - A simple table component based Vue 2.x.
- vue-cheetah-grid (opens new window) - A high-performance grid engine that work on a canvas for Vue.js.
- vue-table-component (opens new window) - A straight to the point Vue component to display tables.
- @lossendae/vue-table (opens new window) - Simple table component for Vue.js 2.x with pagination and sortable columns.
- el-data-table (opens new window) - base on element-ui, makes crud easilys
- DevExtreme Vue Grid (opens new window) - High-performance plugin-based Vue data grid for Bootstrap.
- vue-ads-table-tree (opens new window) - A vue Table component, with filtering, sorting and pagination. Rows can have child rows, so a tree structure can be build. It also supports async calls to load rows from the backend. It's built with the css framework
- @marketconnect/vue-pivot-table (opens new window) - A vue component for pivot table
- vue-teible (opens new window) - Lightweight and flexible table component for the web
- vue-jqxgrid (opens new window) - Vue data grid with filtering, sorting, editing, grouping, data export and other features.
- vue-jqxpivotgrid (opens new window) - Vue pivot data grid with pivot designer, drill through cells, pivot functions.
- toast-ui.vue-grid (opens new window) - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Grid (opens new window).
- vueye-datatable (opens new window) - Vueye data table is a responsive data table component based on Vue.js 2, it organizes your data per pages in order to navigate easily.
- vue-sorted-table (opens new window) - A plugin to turn tables into sorted tables. Supports nested object keys, custom icons and reusable components.
- vue-bootstrap4-table (opens new window) - An advanced data table based on Vue 2 and Bootstrap 4, which includes Multi column filtering, Multi column sorting, Pagination & Info, Checkbox rows and Highly customizable slot options.
- vuejs-smart-table (opens new window) - Straight Forward Table Component using the vanilla HTML Table Structure with Sorting, Filtering, Pagination and Selection out of the box.
- @myena/vue-table (opens new window) - Table components for client/server data handling. Filter, sort, paginate, group, expanding details row. Highly customizable via slots for filter, headers, column, pagination, details row
- @alfsnd/vue-bootstrap-select (opens new window) - Vue version of bootstrap-select (opens new window).
- vue-jd-table (opens new window) - Advanced and flexible data table component for Vue 2. Feature Rich: search, filtering, exporting, pagination (traditional and virtual scroll) and so much more!
- iview-table-page (opens new window) - Combines Table and Page components of iview UI together. Based on Vue 2.x. And Hear are some examples to use iview-table-page.
- fancy-grid-vue (opens new window) - Vue adaptor for FancyGrid
- vue-table-dynamic (opens new window) - A dynamic table with sorting, filtering, editing, pagination, multiple select, etc.
- vue-quintable (opens new window) - A responsive and highly configurable table based on Vue 2.x and Bootstrap 4.x
- vue-grid-responsive (opens new window) - Responsive grid system based on Bootstrap for Vue 2.x
- vue-js-datatable (opens new window) - VueJS light weight wrapper datatable component for datatables.net (opens new window)
- bee-grid-table (opens new window) - BeeGridTable is a highly-customizable table UI component library based on Vue.js. Rich functions, more efficient, and easy to use
- vue-datagrid (opens new window) - Vue grid wrapper for powerful webcomponent revo-grid with Excel like rich edit and behavior
- element-ui-sticky-table (opens new window) - Sticky for element-ui table
- ej2-vue-grids (opens new window) - Syncfusion Vue Grid - Blazing fast and feature rich component
- vue-dataset (opens new window) - A set of Vue.js components to display datasets with filtering, paging, and sorting capabilities
- jz-gantt (opens new window) - A high-performance Vue Gantt component, which includes highly customizable table columns, dynamic update data, freely drag the progress bar, switch header, etc.
- vue3-easy-data-table (opens new window) - A easy-to-use data table component made with Vue.js 3.x, referring to the API and UI of data table component in Vuetify 2
- lv2-datatable (opens new window) - Integrate the Laravel datatables with your Vue app without using JQuery
- el-col-group (opens new window) - Powerful and flexable column for element table
- tanstack-table (opens new window) - Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids
- vuetify-drilldown-table (opens new window) - The Vuetify Drilldown Table is a powerful component that enhances the functionality of the Vuetify framework's v-data-table and v-data-table-server. It provides a recursive table structure, allowing you to display hierarchical data in a nested format
# Notification
Toaster / snackbar — Notify the user with a modeless temporary little popup
- vue-notifications (opens new window) - Vue.js agnostic non-blocking notifications library.
- vue-easy-toast (opens new window) - A toast plugin for vue/vue2.
- vue-toasted (opens new window) - Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS.
- vue-notifikation (opens new window) - Vue.js notification plugin.
- vue-notification (opens new window) - Vue.js 2+ notification plugin using
for animations. - vs-notify (opens new window) - Tiny but powerful notification component with no dependencies.
- vue2-notify (opens new window) - Vue.js 2+ notification plugin.
- vue-notifyjs (opens new window) - Minimalist, 3kb themable notification plugin
- vueup (opens new window) - Simple, lightweight and elegant global notification popup for Vue.js
- vuex-flash (opens new window) - Flash message component for VueJS 2.x within Vuex 2.x.
- vue-snotify (opens new window) - Vue.js 2 Notification Center
- vue-notify-me (opens new window) - Stackable notification Alert for Vue
- vue-noty (opens new window) - A Vue.js 2 wrapper around Noty
- vue-notice (opens new window) - Vue.js 2 wrapper around Noty.js with native API
- vue-flash-message (opens new window) - Simple yet flexible notification plugin
- @voerro/vue-notifications (opens new window) - Simple Vue.js 2 notifications plugin with HTML and styling support
- vue-awesome-notifications (opens new window) - Lightweight Vue.js notification library with advanced async support.
- vue-izitoast (opens new window) - A Vue.js 2 wrapper around IziToast.
- vue-toastr-2 (opens new window) - Simple toast notifications for Vue.js built on toastr (opens new window)
- vue-snack (opens new window) - A Vue.JS plugin for Snackbars based on Google Material.
- vue-m-message (opens new window) - A message plugin for vue.
- vue-notification-bell (opens new window) - A Vue UI component for showing notifications.
- v-tostini (opens new window) - Really plain toast notifications mechanism for Vue.js 2.x. No CSS included.
- vue-toast-notification (opens new window) - Yet another Vue.js Toast notification plugin.
- VueToastify (opens new window) - A fuss free notification component
- vue-toastification (opens new window) - Light, easy and beautiful toasts for Vue
- @smartweb/vue-flash-message (opens new window) - The component to display single flash message or multiple flash messages to user
- vue-notification (opens new window) - A clean & nice notification system with Material Design style with a queue
- Breadstick (opens new window) - A simple and flexible positioning, stacking and dismissal API for your custom Vue notifications
- vuetify-toast-snackbar (opens new window) - Vue.JS toast service with queue support that uses Vuetify's "Snackbar" component
- vue-toaster (opens new window) - Vue.js toast notification plugin for Vue 3
- vue-notification-ui (opens new window) - A simple push the notification UI with Vue.js
- vue-my-toasts (opens new window) - Provide your component and let us toast the rest
- ej2-vue-notifications (opens new window) - An easily customizable, pure HTML5/CSS notification UI
- @kyvg/vue3-notification (opens new window) - Vue 3 notification library
- vue-global-alert-utility (opens new window) - A Vue.js global alert utility to replace vanilla JavaScript
function with better user and developer experience, while keeping it as simple as possible - notivue (opens new window) - Fully-featured notification system for Vue 3 and Nuxt 3
# Loader
Loaders / spinners / progress bars — Let the user know that something is loading
- vue-radial-progress (opens new window) - Radial progress bar component for Vue.js.
- vue-simple-spinner (opens new window) - A simple, flexible spinner for Vue.js
- vue-wait (opens new window) - Complex Loader Management for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt applications.
- vue-progress-path (opens new window) - Customizable progress indicators and spinners that support any custom SVG path.
- vue-blockui (opens new window) - BlockUI for vue 2, similar to jquery blockUI, can be used for loading screen.
- epic-spinners (opens new window) - Easy to use css spinners collection with vue.js integration.
- svg-progress-bar (opens new window) - A simple progress bar for Vue.js.
- vue-loading-overlay (opens new window) - Tiny full screen loading indicator
- vue-loaders (opens new window) - vue wrappers for loaders.css (opens new window)
- vue-promise-btn (opens new window) - Tiny and powerful tool for asynchronous buttons(or any other tag) lock with fancy built-in spinner
- vue-spinkit (opens new window) - A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for VueJS
- vue2-form-loading (opens new window) - A VueJS directive can be used with forms in order to disable submit button while the next page is loading
- vue-element-loading (opens new window) - Loading inside a container or full screen for Vue.js
- tb-skeleton (opens new window) - A skeleton screen loading for Vue.js
- vue-spinners (opens new window) - A collection of loading spinner components for Vuejs
- vue-progress-bar (opens new window) - This is a cascading progress bar plugin based on vue
- vue-loading-button (opens new window) - Straightforward button with slideout loading indicator
- vue-loading (opens new window) - Block page while requesting API
- vue-preloaders (opens new window) - Attach your preloader at any time, to any element easily and quickly
- vue-ellipse-progress (opens new window) - A flexible Vue.js component to create beautiful animated circular progress bars and loaders
- vuesence-cloud-sync-button (opens new window) - Animated button which also serves as a cloud synchronization progress bar
- vue-ui-preloader (opens new window) - Pre Loader components for vue.js projects with playground
- vue-splash (opens new window) - A simple and cool splash plugin for Vue.js
- vue-ultimate-skeleton-cards (opens new window) - The ultimate fully-customizable Skeleton Card plugin for Vue
- vue-wait-for (opens new window) - A loader manager for Vue.js 3 with reactive method
- vue-content-loader (opens new window) - SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading
- vue3-circle-progress (opens new window) - Highly customizable Vue.js 3 circular progress bar component
- uspin (opens new window) - A Vue 3 component that adds a spin mask at load time
- vue-img-lazy-tiny (opens new window) - A Vue 3 directive that provide a shield while loading
- vue3-ui-preloader (opens new window) - Vue 3 pre-loader components for Vue.js projects with playground
# Progress Bar
A slim progress bar at the top of the page
- vue-progressbar (opens new window) - A lightweight progress bar for vue.
- vue2-loading-bar (opens new window) - Simplest Youtube Like Loading Bar Component For Vue 2.
- vue-top-progress (opens new window) - Yet another top progress loading bar component for Vue.js.
- vue-nprogress (opens new window) - Progress bars is based on nprogress for Vue.
- vue-progress-button (opens new window) - Vue.js 2.x animated button component.
- vue-simple-progress (opens new window) - A simple, flexible progress bar for Vue.js
- vue-component-loading (opens new window) - Manage a loading state inside each component and display the global loading state with a progressbar.
- vue-scroll-progress (opens new window) - Simple Vue.js plugin for page scroll progress bar
- vue-read-progress (opens new window) - Customizable progress bar at the top of the page that shows the scroll progress
- easy-circular-progress (opens new window) - Easy circular progress component with counting effect
- vue-twitter-counter (opens new window) - Counter component inspired in Twitter with Vue
- vue-ins-progress-bar (opens new window) - A Vue component of ins-style progress bar 一款 ins 风格的 vue 进度条组件
- ej2-vue-progressbar (opens new window) - Simple and elegant Vue progress bar.
- vue-next-progressbar (opens new window) - Slim progress bars (1KB gzipped) for Vue 3
- vue3-progress (opens new window) - Fully customizable Vue 3 plugin to display a progress bar while waiting for something, e.g. HTTP requests
# Tooltip
Tooltips / popovers
- v-tooltip (opens new window) - Easy tooltips with Vue 2.x.
- vue-popper-component (opens new window) - Popper.js directive for Vue.js.
- vue-directive-tooltip (opens new window) - Simple, flexible tooltip directive (based on Popper.js) VueJS 2
- vue-popperjs (opens new window) - VueJS 2.x popover component
- vue-tooltipster (opens new window) - VueJS 2.x tooltip component. Support html content, hover and hover+click events
- k-pop (opens new window) - Simple popover component based on popper.js (opens new window). Highly customizable. Comes with themes. Supports custom triggers and can listen to any event.
- @adamdehaven/vue-custom-tooltip (opens new window) - Vue 2 & 3 customizable, reactive, and reusable tooltip component that supports plugin options, props, and multiple use-cases. Also works with SSR (e.g. VuePress, Nuxt) and includes TypeScript types. (Vue 3 is available on
branch/npm tag) - vue-use-popperjs (opens new window) - Vue 2 & 3 Popper hook powered by Popper.js
- vue-follow-tooltip (opens new window) - Tiny tooltip directive for Vue 3
- Tippy.vue (opens new window) - Nesting-free Tippy.js (opens new window) directive/component for Vue 3. A drop-in addition with no structural or style changes required. Supports both individual and singleton tooltips
- vue-popper-lite (opens new window) - A popover component based on popper.js tree shaking (opens new window) for Vue 3 written in TypeScript
# Overlay
Overlay / modal / alert / dialog / lightbox / popup
- vuedals (opens new window) - A VueJS (2.x) Plugin for multiple modals windows with a single component instance.
- sweet-modal-vue (opens new window) - The sweetest library to happen to modals. Now available for Vue.js.
- vue-js-modal (opens new window) - Simple to use, highly customizable, mobile friendly Vue.js 2.0+ modal with 0 dependencies.
- vudal (opens new window) - Modal window for vue.js
- vodal (opens new window) - A vue modal with animations.
- vue-image-lightbox (opens new window) - A Vue image lightbox/gallery to display images nicely.
- vue2-simplert (opens new window) - Vue 2 Simple Alert Component (SweetAlert Inspired) By Irfan Maulana
- Vue-Semantic-Modal (opens new window) - Vue 2 Semantic-UI modal component without jQuery dependency
- v-img (opens new window) - Easy to install image gallery.
- vue-dialog-drag (opens new window) - Draggable dialog
- vue-ya-semantic-modal (opens new window) - Yet another semantic-ui modal component for Vue2 without Jquery but with Vue transition
- vue-pure-lightbox (opens new window) - Very simple lightbox plugin without any dependencies - only Vue!
- v-viewer (opens new window) - Image viewer component for vue2 and vue3, supports rotation, scale, zoom and so on, based on viewer.js (opens new window)
- vue-messagebox (opens new window) - Easy and made-to-order messagebox component on Vue.
- vuejs-dialog (opens new window) - A lightweight, promise based alert, prompt and confirm dialog.
- @hscmap/vue-window (opens new window) - Window UI Component for vue2.
- vue-gallery (opens new window) - VueJS responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers. Based on blueimp-gallery
- vue-swal (opens new window) - A small wrapper for integrating SweetAlert to Vuejs. (Compatible with SSR)
- vue-modal-dialogs (opens new window) - Promisify your own dialogs!
- vue-img-view (opens new window) - a plugin for Vue.js, you can drag / view / rotate pictures anywhere
- vue-modaltor (opens new window) - most advance configurable modal component for vuejs
- v-modal-backdrop (opens new window) - A simple generic backdrop component for vue
- vue-cute-modal (opens new window) - A simple and easy to use Modal component for Vue applications.
- v-dialogs (opens new window) - A simple and powerful dialog, including Modal, Alert, Mask and Toast modes, based on Vue2.x
- vue-gallery-slideshow (opens new window) - Responsive gallery component for VueJS
- vue-a11y-dialog (opens new window) - A Vue.js component wrapper for the accessible dialog
(opens new window). - vue-slideout-panel (opens new window) - Stackable panel component for VueJS
- v-gallery (opens new window) - A Vue2 plugin for images show in
- vue2-image-loader (opens new window) - A image lazyLoad loader component for vue2
- vue-my-photos (opens new window) - A simple dependency-free image lightbox component with filtering capabilities
- vue-img-orientation-changer (opens new window) - A Vue.js
that automatically adjust yourimg
to correctorientation
. - vue-topmodal (opens new window) - A fully customizable, easy to use, Vue.js modal component. (responsive, stackable, scrollable, animated)
- vue-modal (opens new window) - Feed your objects array for multiple switchable modal content or quickly inline your content. A fully customizable vue modal component
- @innologica/vue-stackable-modal (opens new window) - Library for modal dialogs which can be stacked. Fully customizable and very easy to use.
- vue-sweetalert2 (opens new window) - Wrapper for sweatlaert2 with support for TypeScript, Nuxt and SSR
- vue-modality (opens new window) - A really nice Vue.js modal component
- vue-tinybox (opens new window) - A tiny (only 2.5 KB minzipped) and slick lightbox gallery. Optimized for both desktop and mobile
- vue-accessible-modal (opens new window) - A Vue.js accessible modal wrapper over your components
- vuetify-dialog (opens new window) - Dialogs easy to use with Vuetify
- vue-hawesome-modal (opens new window) - A Vue promisify modal component plugin based on Vuetify with Vuex
- xmodal-vue (opens new window) - A simplistic and easy to use wrapper around your components that will help you create custom and dynamic modals, from your component
- @kouts/vue-modal (opens new window) - A customizable, stackable and lightweight modal component that adheres to the guidelines set in WAI-ARIA Dialog (Modal) section of W3C
- vue-final-modal (opens new window) - Tailwind-friendly, highly customizable, stackable modal component
- vuesence-modal-window (opens new window) - Simple Modal window Vue.js component that takes care of overlay, centering, animation, outside click/
closing and allows you to concentrate on its content only - ej2-vue-popups (opens new window) - Vue tooltip and popover component with smart positioning
- vue-it-bigger (opens new window) - A simple image / (YouTube) video lightbox component for Vue.js
- v3confirm (opens new window) - A plugin dedicated for Vue 3 to show confirm dialog modal
- vue3-promise-dialog (opens new window) - Let's you create promise based dialogs in Vue 3 (Composition or Options API) with ease
- vue3-side-panel (opens new window) - Easy-to-use and flexible modal sidebar component for Vue 3
- vuejs-confirm-dialog (opens new window) - A simple way to create, reuse, promisify and build chains of modal dialogs in Vue.js
- @kolirt/vue-modal (opens new window) - Simple Vue 3 modal package
- vuetify-resize-drawer (opens new window) - The vuetify-resize-drawer component extends the functionality of the v-navigation-drawer so that it is resizable by the user
# Parallax
- vue-parallax (opens new window) - Scrolls an image slower than the window to create a neat optical effect.
- vue-parallaxy (opens new window) - Vue.js component for parallax image scroll effects.
- vue-mouse-parallax (opens new window) - A simple to use Mouse Parallax Component - Made with Vue.js
- vue-parallax-js (opens new window) - Tiny vue component that adds a directive for parallax effect on elements.
- vue-parallax-view (opens new window) - Create a composite control that displays different images that react to the mouse movement to create a depth effect
# Icons
- vue-awesome (opens new window) - Font Awesome component for Vue.js, using inline SVG.
- vue-material-design-icons (opens new window) - A collection of SVG Material Design icons as single file components
- vue-icon-font (opens new window) - A iconfont plugin for Vuejs (support Font-class and Symbol).
- vue-ionicons (opens new window) - Vue Icon Set Components from Ionic Team.
- vue-ico (opens new window) - Dead easy icons for Vue with drop-in browser support & selective bundling
- mdi-vue (opens new window) - Material Design Icon components for Vuejs
- vue-fontawesome (opens new window) - Font Awesome 5 Vue component
- g-icon (opens new window) - Simple icon component for your svg icons (compatible with Font Awesome-like font toolkits)
- vue-simple-line-icons (opens new window) - Simple Line Icons component for Vuejs
- vue-country-flag (opens new window) - Vue component for country flag icons
- vicon (opens new window) - Vicon is an simple iconfont component for vue.
- md-svg-vue (opens new window) - Material Design Icons by Google for Vue.js & Nuxt.js (server-side support (with caching), inline svg rendering, official icon names)
- vue-lang-code-flags (opens new window) - Vue component which shows the flag of the country from which the language comes from
- vue-zondicons (opens new window) - Vue component for the beautiful Zondicon (opens new window) svg icons
- vue-eva-icons (opens new window) - Simply beautiful open source eva icons as Vue components.
- vue-unicons (opens new window) - 1000+ Pixel-perfect svg unicons for your next project as Vue components.
- vue-fa (opens new window) - Simple FontAwesome 5 Vue.js 2 component.
- vue-cryptoicon (opens new window) - Beautiful pixel perfect 400+ cryptocurrency and 10+ Fiat currency icon.
- vue-hero-icons (opens new window) - A set of high-quality SVG icons, sourced from @refactoringui/heroicons (opens new window), as Vue functional components
- vue-heroicons (opens new window) - Vue component for 104 premium Heroicons UI (opens new window) svg icons
- vue-tabler-icons (opens new window) - Vue components for Tabler Icons (opens new window) SVG icons
- oh-vue-icons (opens new window) - A Vue component for including inline SVG icons from different popular iconpacks easily
- vue-feather-icons (opens new window) - Simply beautiful open source icons as Vue functional components
- vue-feather (opens new window) - Feather icons component for Vue 3
- eos-icons-vue (opens new window) - Eos icons npm package for Vue 3, eos-icons-vue2 (opens new window) for Vue 2
- vue-icomoon (opens new window) - With vue-icomoon you can easily use the icons you have selected or created in icomoon
- vue-icons (opens new window) - More than 11,000 icons from most popular icon libraries (Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Feather .. etc)
- veemoji (opens new window) - Veemoji is a dead simple emoji as a component for Vue 2
# Marquee
- vue-dynamic-marquee (opens new window) - Marquee component, fully responsive to changes on the fly
- vue3-marquee (opens new window) - A simple and responsive marquee component for Vue 3 applications with 0 dependencies
# Menu
- vue-accordion (opens new window) - Simple accordion nav menu component for Vue.js.
- vue-js-dropdown (opens new window) - Vue.js 2 dropdown menu component. Light, easy to use and extend, no external deps.
- vue-slideout (opens new window) - Vue implementation of the popular library slideout (opens new window)
- vue-quick-menu (opens new window) - This is web navigation component base on vue.js2.
- @hscmap/vue-menu (opens new window) - Menu / Context Menu component for vue2
- vue-router-nav (opens new window) - Minimalistic responsive navigation bar that renders routes of vue-router.
- vue-drawer-layout (opens new window) - A simple DrawerLayout component like Android has for Vue.js.
- vue-simple-menu (opens new window) - Simple menu component with a set of basic functionality, which is enough in 80% of cases
- vue-tree-navigation (opens new window) - Vue.js 2 tree navigation with vue-router support
- bp-vuejs-dropdown (opens new window) - Vuejs => 2 dropdown. Easy to use, no external, optional.
- vue-bulma-accordion (opens new window) - Simple, easily configurable accordion or collapsible styled with Bulma custom or built in icons available
- v-selectmenu (opens new window) - A simple, easier and highly customized menu solution for Vue2.
- vue-burger-menu (opens new window) - An off-canvas sidebar Menu component with different CSS animations.
- vue-dynamic-dropdown (opens new window) - A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant dropdown component
- vue-navigation-bar (opens new window) - A simple, pretty navbar for your Vue projects.
- vue-simple-search-dropdown (opens new window) - A simple searchable input dropdown component with no external dependency
- @innologica/vue-dropdown-menu (opens new window) - Dropdown menu component for Vue. Any element can be dropdown trigger and anything can be dropped down content
- vue-menu-aim (opens new window) - Menu triangle select, aka Amazon
- vue-stripe-menu (opens new window) - Creating a navigation menu with animations like on Stripe
- vue-burger-button (opens new window) - A pretty simple Vue functional component for menu burger buttons
- @satmaxt/sidebar-menu-drawer (opens new window) - A simple interactive sidebar menu drawer and easy to implement
- vue-file-toolbar-menu (opens new window) - UI file/toolbar menus for Vue apps
- v-dropdown-menu (opens new window) - Customizable dropdown menu plugin for Vue.js. SSR supported
- vue-bottom-sheet (opens new window) - A swipeable bottom sheet component for Vue.js created with Hammer.js
- ej2-vue-navigations (opens new window) - Customizable navigation-ui controls menubar, sidebar, tootlbar, context menu
- SDropdown (opens new window) - Highly customizable, simple and modern Vue 3 dropdown component
- vue-awesome-sidebar (opens new window) - A modern and fast sidebar menu component for Vue 3.x capable with vue-router
- vue-use-fixed-header (opens new window) - Turn your boring fixed header into a smart one
# Minus Plus Input
- minus-plus-input (opens new window) - A number input with plus minus; included for Vue.js v1 and v2.
- vue-integer-plusminus (opens new window) - Integer input with increment and decrement buttons for vue 2.
- vue-numeric-input (opens new window) - Number input component with controls.
- ej2-vue-inputs (opens new window) - A great alternative for HTML5 input-type numbers with a modern look.
# Carousel
- vue-easy-slider (opens new window) - Slider Component of Vue.js.
- vue-l-carousel (opens new window) - A responsive carousel(namely slider or swiper) component for Vue.js v2.x+.
- vue-awesome-swiper (opens new window) - Swiper(slide) component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.x).
- vue-lory (opens new window) - Vue Slider Component based on lory.
- vue-slick (opens new window) - Vue component for Slick-carousel.
- vue-flickity (opens new window) - A Vue Component for Flickity.js.
- vue-carousel-3d (opens new window) - Vue Carousel 3D - Beautiful, flexible and touch supported 3D Carousel for Vue.js.
- vue-carousel (opens new window) - A flexible, responsive, touch-friendly carousel for Vue.js.
- vue-coverflow (opens new window) - A vue2.x coverflow component.
- vue-agile (opens new window) – A carousel component inspired by Slick, written in Vue.js and vanilla JS only.
- vue-tiny-slider (opens new window) - A carousel component created by ganlanyuan, written in Vue.js. No jQuery. Works in IE8+.
- vue2-text-swimlane (opens new window) - A Text Swimlane plugin for Vue.js
- vue-picture-swipe (opens new window) - Vue Picture Swipe Gallery (a gallery of image with thumbnails, lazy-load and swipe) backed by photoswipe.
- vue2-siema (opens new window) - Plugin wrapper for the very tiny Siema carousel/slider library.
- vue-flux (opens new window) - Image slider which comes with 20 cool transitions.
- vue-glide (opens new window) - Vue slider & carousel component on top of the Glide.js (opens new window)
- vue-owl-carousel (opens new window) - Vue component for Owl Carousel 2 (opens new window)
- vueper-slides (opens new window) - A touch ready and responsive slideshow / carousel for Vue JS.
- Hooper (opens new window) - Customizable accessible carousel slider optimized for Vue
- Lingallery (opens new window) - Simple image gallery component for Vue which displays a large image with thumbnails below
- vue-piece-slider (opens new window) - Animated slides in a fragmented look
- vue2-photo-carousel (opens new window) - A photo carousel component for Vue2
- vue-netflix-slider (opens new window) - A Netflix like slider
- vue-pswipe (opens new window) - Easy to use, no need to set the size, support rotation, photoswipe based vue swipe plugin
- vue-cat-carousel (opens new window) - Lightweight, simple and customizable for Vue Js
- @egjs/vue-flicking (opens new window) - It's reliable, flexible and extendable carousel for Vue.js 2 & 3
- slither-slider (opens new window) - Carousel for images, videos, or components. Throw pretty much anything you want at it
- vue-slick-carousel (opens new window) - A carousel with slick features & SSR support written for faster Luxstay
- @jfm/vue-carousel (opens new window) - A Vue carousel component
- vue-snap (opens new window) - Lightweight Carousel based on Scroll Snap CSS
- vuerollr (opens new window) - Mouseover gallery plugin for Vue.js. Supports image and video
- vue-splide (opens new window) - Splide is a free lightweight but powerful slider and carousel, written in pure JavaScript without any dependencies. It supports a thumbnail slider, nested slide
- swiper (opens new window) - Official Swiper component for Vue 3. Tree shakable, SSR support, typing, a11y and a lot more
- vue-split-carousel (opens new window) - A carousel component meanwhile display several carousel item, supports Vue 2 and Vue 3
- vue-concise-carousel (opens new window) - Vue Concise Carousel with True SSR. Works for Vue 2 & 3
# Charts
- vue-morris (opens new window) - VueJS component wrapping Morris.js.
- vue-chartjs (opens new window) - Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js.
- vue-echarts (opens new window) - The official Vue.js wrapper component for Apache ECharts
- vuetrend (opens new window) - Simple, elegant spark lines for Vue.js.
- vue-highcharts (opens new window) - Highcharts component for Vue.
- vue-echarts-v3 (opens new window) - Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+).
- vue-chartist (opens new window) - Vue.js 2.0 component wrap for Chartist.
- vuebars (opens new window) - Simple, elegant spark bars for Vue.js.
- vue-d3-network (opens new window) - Vue component to graph networks using d3-force
- vue2vis (opens new window) - Vue2 wrapper for Visjs (opens new window).
- vue-c3 (opens new window) - A reusable vue component for c3 charts
- vue-d2b (opens new window) - Vue components for d2b charts. (Including axis, pie, sankey, and sunburst charts)
- VueChart (opens new window) - A very simple Vue wrapper for Chart.
- vue-chartkick (opens new window) - Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Vue
- d3vue (opens new window) - A D3 Plugin for Creating Reactive Data Visualizations in VueJS
- vue2-frappe (opens new window) - A simple wrapper around Frappe Charts for VueJS
- vue-google-charts (opens new window) - Reactive Vue.js wrapper for Google Charts lib
- vue-graph (opens new window) - Data visualization library for dashboard implementation in Vue.js
- vue.d3.sunburst (opens new window) - Reactive sunburst component based on D3.js
- v-chart-plugin (opens new window) - A customizable component for adding D3 charts that binds to your components data.
- vue-jqxchart (opens new window) - Charting component with Pie, Bubble, Donut, Line, Bar, Column, Area, Waterfall, Polar & Spider series.
- toast-ui.vue-chart (opens new window) - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Chart (opens new window).
- vue-apexcharts (opens new window) - Vue.js component for ApexCharts (opens new window).
- vue-doughnut-chart (opens new window) - Doughnut chart component for Vue.js.
- v-charts (opens new window) - Chart components based on Vue2.x and Echarts.
- vue-css-donut-chart (opens new window) - Lightweight Vue component for drawing pure CSS donut charts.
- vue-trend-chart (opens new window) - Simple trend charts for Vue.js
- vueplotlib (opens new window) - Declarative, interactive, linked plot components
- vgauge (opens new window) - A Vue Wrapper to GaugeJS - Create beautiful gauges
- vue-plotly (opens new window) - Wrapper for plotly.js (opens new window) declarative charting library that ships with 20 chart types, including 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps.
- vue-funnel-graph-js (opens new window) - Funnel graph drawing library for Vue.js. Create vertical and horizontal animated SVG funnel charts and add labels, values, legend and other info.
- pure-vue-chart (opens new window) - Lightweight vue charts implemented without any chart library dependencies
- f2-vue (opens new window) - Vue wrapper of f2 - elegant, interactive and flexible mobile chart library
- ZingChart-Vue (opens new window) - Vue component made by ZingChart with 35+ chart types
- jscharting-vue (opens new window) - Vue chart component offering a complete set of chart types and engaging data visualizations with JSCharting (opens new window)
- flowchart-vue (opens new window) - Flowchart & Flowchart designer component for Vue.js
- vue-d3-barchart (opens new window) - Small component to draw charts using d3
- vue3-highcharts (opens new window) - A Highcharts.JS wrapper component for Vue 3
- echarts-for-vue (opens new window) - ECharts Wrapper Component For Vue 3 and 2
- vue3-chart-v2 (opens new window) - Vue wrapper component base on Chart.js for Vue 3
- vue-gauge (opens new window) - Vue.js component to create animated SVG gauge charts
- ej2-vue-charts (opens new window) - Beautiful and interactive charts library, 30+ chart types & fast paced performance.
# Time
Display time / date / age
- vue-timeago (opens new window) - A tiny timeago component for Vue.
- vue-moment-jalaali (opens new window) - Jalaali Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project.
- vue-countdown-timer (opens new window) - Added timezone conversion support.
- vue-analog-clock-range (opens new window) - Analog clock range to show time difference.
- vue-moment-lib (opens new window) - A simple Vue.js 2.0 MomentJS library (filters & globals) using the same momentjs API.
- vuejs-countdown (opens new window) - A simple countdown timer component for vue js 2.0
- vue2-flip-countdown (opens new window) - A countdown timer with flip effect for Vue 2.x
- timeline-vuejs (opens new window) - A minimalist timeline for Vue
- vue-awesome-countdown (opens new window) - Countdown plug-in with high performance and high accuracy for Vue 2.5.0+. Official site: https://vac.js.org (opens new window)
- vue-clock2 (opens new window) - Display clock component for Vue.
- vuemodoro (opens new window) - Pomodoro timer as single file Vue component.
- digital-clock-vue (opens new window) - A digital clock simulation build on Vue
- bs-vue-timeline (opens new window) - An alternative responsive bootstrap-vue timeline
- simple-vue-timeline (opens new window) - A simple but customizable and reactive timeline vue component
- vue-moment (opens new window) - Handy Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project
- v-idle (opens new window) - A Vue.js plugin to detect idle/non-active users
- v-digital-time-picker (opens new window) - Digital Time Picker for Vuetify
- vue-horizontal-timeline (opens new window) - Just a simple horizontal timeline component made with Vue.js
- vue-timer-hook (opens new window) - Vue 3 Timer module inspired by react-timer-hook
- vue3-flip-countdown (opens new window) - Customize countdown timer with flip animation for Vue 3.x
- vountdown (opens new window) - A minimalist countdown component
# Calendar
Display non-editable events in a Calendar
- vue-fullcalendar (opens new window) - Vue calendar fullCalendar. No jQuery required. Schedule events management.
- vue-event-calendar (opens new window) - A simple events calendar for Vue2, no dependencies except Vue2.
- vue-calendar-picker (opens new window) - Lightweight calendar component for events display, period selection and date picker.
- vue-lunar-calendar (opens new window) - A vue component for lunar calendar. Uses Moment.js for date operations.
- vue-simple-calendar (opens new window) - Flexbox-based Vue month calendar component; supports multi-day events, localization, holiday emoji, drag/drop. No dependencies
- vue2-calendar (opens new window) - A simple full calendar component aimed at being flexible and lightweight
- vue-jlunar-datepicker (opens new window) - A Chinese lunar datepicker component with festivals and solar terms.
- vue-full-calendar (opens new window) - A complete fullcalendar.io (opens new window) wrapper for both Vue 1 and 2
- v-calendar (opens new window) - Animated calendar/datepicker that displays regions, indicators and day popovers for simple & recurring dates.
- vue-infinite-calendar (opens new window) - A simple infinite calendar implementation for Vue 2
- vue-calendar (opens new window) - A simple calendar components for Vue 2.1.5+, support custom content. No dependencies.
- vue2-event-calendar (opens new window) - An events calendar for Vue2, support customize event items and calendar header.
- vue2-datePicker-infinite (opens new window) - An infinite datePicker for Vue2, easy to use and no dependencies.
- vue3-slot-calendar (opens new window) - A Vue 3 calendar, datepicker component which supported lunar or date event, bootstrap style
- quasar-calendar (opens new window) - A vue.js calendar using the Quasar framework that implements monthly, multi-day and agenda views.
- vue2-datepicker (opens new window) - A beautiful datepicker / datetimepicker component for Vue2
- vue-pikaday (opens new window) - VueJS wrapper component for Pikaday (opens new window) datepicker
- vue-tuicalendar (opens new window) - VueJS wrapper component for tui.calendar (opens new window) calendar
- vue-jqxscheduler (opens new window) - VueJS Scheduler component.
- toast-ui.vue-calendar (opens new window) - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Calendar (opens new window).
- vue-functional-calendar (opens new window) - Lightweight, high performance calendar component(Date Picker, Date Range) based on Vue.
- vue-cal (opens new window) - A Vue JS full calendar, no dependency, no BS.
- vue-material-year-calendar (opens new window) - A full year (12 months on a page) calendar for Vue2. Uses dayjs.
- vuelendar (opens new window) - Simple and clean calendar written in VueJS
- vue-date-tools (opens new window) - Most lightweight VueJS Date picker & Daterange picker using date-fns and no other dependencies
- vue-spring-calendar (opens new window) - It's a Vue based component which provides the functionality of a full-calendar that shows daily events. the
(opens new window) - vue-jquery-calendar (opens new window) - VueJS light weight wrapper component for jQuery UI datepicker (opens new window)
- vue-schedule-board (opens new window) - A easy-to-use component to show somebody's schedule list to help interview arrangement or visit arrangement
- ej2-vue-calendars (opens new window) - A simple and customizable calendar component and lightweight & easily configurable
- vue-lunar-calendar-pro (opens new window) - A Vue component for lunar calendar. Uses calendar.js for date operations
- vue-sweet-calendar (opens new window) - A simple and sweet Vue.js calendar
- vue-datepicker-ui (opens new window) - A datepicker component for vue.js
- vue-tailwind-datepicker (opens new window) - A Vue 3 Datepicker using Tailwind CSS 3
- qalendar (opens new window) - An event calendar and datepicker for Vue 3
# Map
- vue2-google-maps (opens new window) - Google maps component for vue with 2-way data binding.
- vue2-leaflet (opens new window) - Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps.
- vue-mapbox-gl (opens new window) - Vue 2.x component for Mapbox GL JS
- vue-yandex-maps (opens new window) - Vue 2.x component for Yandex Maps
- vue-baidu-map (opens new window) - Vue 2.x component for Baidu Maps.
- vue-choropleth (opens new window) - Vue 2.x component to display a choropleth map.
- vuelayers (opens new window) - Vue 2 components to work with OpenLayers.
- vue-googlemaps (opens new window) - Vue 2.x components to integrate Google Maps.
- vue-static-map (opens new window) - Vue 2.x simple component to generate an static google map
- vue-mapbox (opens new window) - Vue 2.x wrapper around Mapbox GL JS library that provides vueish-way to interact with the map.
- vue-cesium (opens new window) - Vue 2.x & Vue 3.x components for Cesium
- vue-async-gmaps (opens new window) - Let users decide to load google-maps script for better privacy
- @geospoc/v-mapbox (opens new window) - Combine powers of Vue.js and Mapbox GL JS (Maintained fork of soal's vue-mapbox)
- @geospoc/v-mapbox-geocoder (opens new window) - Geocoder control for your awesome Mapbox library
- x5-gmaps (opens new window) - Lightweight Google Maps plugin for Vue 2.x
- vue2-gmap-custom-marker (opens new window) - Vue Google Maps custom marker component
- ej2-vue-maps (opens new window) - A highly interactive maps component and providers including OpenStreetMap and Bing Maps
- vue3-openlayers (opens new window) - Vue 3 components to work with OpenLayers
- vue-mars3d (opens new window) - Vue 2.x 3D earth visualization JS development platform
- vue-leaflet-custom-marker (opens new window) - Vue leaflet for OpenStreetMap custom marker component
- vue-maplibre-gl (opens new window) - Vue 3.x wrapper around Maplibre GL JS library written in TypeScript. Including style switch and frame rate control
# Audio / Video
- Vue-APlayer (opens new window) - Easy-to-config music player for Vue 2.x.
- vue-audio (opens new window) - audio-tag wrapper; sound player component for Vue 2.x
- vue-dplayer (opens new window) - A Vue 2.x video player component based on DPlayer.
- vue-canvasvideo (opens new window) - A Vue 2.x component for video backgrounds and autoplay video on iOS/Safari.
- vue-music (opens new window) - A Vue component base on html5
. - vue-audio-visual (opens new window) - Vue HTML5 audio visualization components.
- vue-plyr (opens new window) - A set of Vue components for the plyr video & audio player.
- v-playback (opens new window) - A Vue2 plugin to make video play easier.
- vue-audio-recorder (opens new window) - Audio recorder for Vue.js. It allows to create, play, download and store records on a server
- vue-video-section (opens new window) - A simple video header/section component for Vue. Good for video backgrounds and overlaying content on them.
- vue-waveform (opens new window) - It is use canvas waveform audio player wavesurfer component contains timeline bar line for Vue 2.x
- vue-responsive-video-background-player (opens new window) - Play your own videos in background responsively in different resolutions
- vue-h5-audio-controls (opens new window) - A simple h5 music controller for Vue
- xns-audio-player-simple (opens new window) - A light and customizable Vue 2.x audio player powered HTMLAudioElement
- vue-core-video-player (opens new window) - A Lightweight Video Player For Vue.js
- vue-player (opens new window) - A simple html5 video player with img placeholder for Vue 2.x
- vue-audio-better (opens new window) - Easy to create custom audio player components for Vue 2.x. A progress bar with soul
- vue-sounds (opens new window) - Easy to add sounds to your components
- vue-soundcloud-player (opens new window) - A custom SoundCloud player supporting single tracks & playlists
- vue-use-sound (opens new window) - A Vue Hook for playing sound effects
- vue-flv-player (opens new window) - An HTML5 Flash Video (FLV) Player component for Vue 2.x, based on flv.js
- control-knob (opens new window) - Rotary control knob component for Vue 3 that behaves like audio app controls
- simple-vue-camera (opens new window) - A simple to use, but extensive, camera component for Vue 3 with TypeScript support to create great camera experiences
- vue-vision-camera (opens new window) - Camera component for Vue 3. We can use this component for computer vision tasks like barcode/QR code scanning, text recognition, etc.
- 1llest-waveform-vue (opens new window) - A lightweight and controllable audio visualization Vue 3 plugin
# Infinite Scroll
- vue-infinite-loading (opens new window) - An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js 1.0 & Vue.js 2.0.
- vue-mugen-scroll (opens new window) - Infinite scroll component for Vue.js 2.
- vue-infinite-scroll (opens new window) - An infinite scroll directive for vue.js.
- vue-loop (opens new window) - An infinite content loop component for Vue.js 2.
- vue-scroller (opens new window) - An infinite content loop component for Vue.js 2, including functionalities such as 'pull-to-refresh', 'infinite-loading', 'snaping-scroll'.
- vue-infinite-list (opens new window) - An infinite list mixin can recycle dom for Vue.js 2
- vue-infinite-slide-bar (opens new window) - ∞ Infinite slide bar component.
- vue-virtual-infinite-scroll (opens new window) - A vue2 component based on Iscroll, supports big data list with high performance scroll, infinite load and pull refresh.
- @egjs/vue-infinitegrid (opens new window) - Arrange infinite card elements according to various layout types like masonry for Vue.js 2
- @grafikri/vue-infinite-scroll (opens new window) - Basic infinite scroll for Vue
- vinscroll (opens new window) - A minimalist infinite scroll component
- virtual-list (opens new window) - Virtual list component. Features: Vue 2, Vue 3, TypeScript, SSR, horizontal list, virtual table
- virtua (opens new window) - A zero-config, fast and small (~3kB) virtual list component for React and Vue
# Pull-to-refresh
- vue-pull-refresh (opens new window) - A pull to refresh component for Vue.js 2.0.
- vue-pull-to (opens new window) - A pull-down refresh and pull-up load more and infinite scroll for Vue.js component.
- vue-data-loading (opens new window) - Another component for infinite scroll and pull down/up to load data.
- vue-quick-loadmore (opens new window) - A pull-down refresh and pull-up infinite scroll plugin for Vue.
# Markdown
- vue-markdown (opens new window) - A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue.
- vue-mavonEditor (opens new window) - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features.
- vue-simple-markdown (opens new window) - A Simple and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue.
- vue-simplemde (opens new window) - A wrapper around simplemde (opens new window). Delightful editing for beginners and experts alike. Features built-in autosaving and spell checking.
- @f3ve/vue-markdown-it (opens new window) - A markdown-it component for Vue3. Easy to use and fully typed
- vue-pdf (opens new window) - A pdf viewer based on mozilla's PDF.js
- pdfvuer (opens new window) - A PDF viewer for Vue using Mozilla's PDF.js with text support for Vue2 and Vue3. Demo (opens new window)
- ej2-vue-pdfviewer (opens new window) - Vue PDF viewer/reader - Easy solution to view and print PDF files
- vue-pdf-embed (opens new window) - PDF embed component for Vue 2 and Vue 3
- @tato30/vue-pdf (opens new window) - A PDF viewer for Vue 3. Demo (opens new window)
# Tree
- Vue.D3.tree (opens new window) - A Tree View based on D3.js (opens new window)
- vue-json-tree-view (opens new window) - A JSON Tree View Component for Vue.js.
- vue-tree (opens new window) - A Tree Component for Vue.js 2.X.
- liquor-tree (opens new window) - Amazing Vue Tree component
- vue-trees-ui (opens new window) - A Tree Ui Base On Vue.
- Bosket (opens new window) - Collection of tree view components for front-end frameworks (Vue, React, Angular and Riot).
- plantain-00/tree-component (opens new window) - A reactjs, angular and vuejs tree component.
- sl-vue-tree (opens new window) - A simple customizable draggable tree component for Vue.js
- vue-draggable-nested-tree (opens new window) - A powerful customizable draggable tree view component for Vuejs2 @phphe (opens new window)
- vuejs-tree (opens new window) - A highly customizable VueJs tree viewer
- vue-jstree (opens new window) - A Tree Plugin For Vue2 with beautiful icons and drag&drop
- vue-vtree (opens new window) - Universal and flexible tree component for Vue.js
- vue-json-component (opens new window) - JSON tree view with no dependencies, TypeScript support, and easy customization.
- vue-tree-list (opens new window) - A vue component for tree structure
- vue-finder (opens new window) - A component to display hierarchical data, with selection, filtering and drag & drop
- vue3-router-tree (opens new window) - This component is based on Vue.js 3, it represents your routes or items as a tree view
- object-visualizer (opens new window) - Vue 3 JSON inspector with Chrome-like theme
- vue-virtual-tree (opens new window) - Tree component for large amount of data, base on Vue 3
- vue-json-viewer (opens new window) - A JSON tree view support for incremental update components, base on Vue 2 and Vue 3
- vue-hierarchy (opens new window) - Library to display hierarchical data
# Graphs
- vue-pipeline (opens new window) - A easy-to-use component to show beautiful responsive pipeline like jenkins blue ocean plugin
- vnodes (opens new window) - General purpose components to create SVG interactive graphs, diagrams or node based visual tools
- v-network-graph (opens new window) - An interactive SVG based network-graph visualization component for Vue 3
- coya (opens new window) - Diagram drawing library (Vue 3 only)
- vue-skia (opens new window) - Skia based 2D graphics Vue 3 rendering library. It is based on Rust to implement software rasterization to perform rendering
# Social Sharing
- vue-social-sharing (opens new window) - A renderless Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, compatible with SSR
- vue-goodshare (opens new window) - Vue.js component for social share with beautiful button design. Simple install, extensive documentation, developer support, SEO friendly, clean code without scripts tracking user activity on the page, high speed. Work with Vue.js 2.x.
- vue-socialmedia-share (opens new window) - A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, with Vue 2.X
- vue-picture-sharesheet (opens new window) - A Vue Picture Sharesheet Component heavily inspired by the Image Sharesheet in Apple's Newsroom
- vue-twitter (opens new window) - A Vue.js component for embed twitter widgets (e.g timeline, buttons)
- vue-share-buttons (opens new window) - Vue.js component for placing buttons in your project using which you can share anything
- vue-share-it (opens new window) - A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks
- vuesocial (opens new window) - One easy-to-use button component for Vue.js with 65+ social networks
- vue-socials (opens new window) - Social media share buttons and counts for Vue.js
- vue-share-modal (opens new window) - A pure, lightweight, and beautiful share modal for Vue 3
# QR Code
- vue-qriously (opens new window) - A Vue.js 2 component to draw QR codes on an HTML Canvas using qrious.
- vue-qart (opens new window) - The directive of vue 2.x for qart.js.
- vue-qrcode-reader (opens new window) - A set of Vue.js components for detecting and decoding QR codes
- vue3-qr-reader (opens new window) - A Vue 3 QR reader component. Refactor vue-qrcode-reader for Vue 3 compatibility
- ej2-vue-barcodegenerator (opens new window) - Enables rendering of one dimension and two dimension barcodes in web page
# Search
- vue-fuse (opens new window) - A lightweight plugin for fuzzy search library, Fuse.js
- vue-instantsearch (opens new window) - The ultimate toolbox for creating instant-search experiences using Algolia (opens new window).
- vue-innersearch (opens new window) - A Vue.js wrapper for Elasticsearch
- reactivesearch-vue (opens new window) - UI components for building data-driven apps with Elasticsearch
- vue-search-panel (opens new window) - A Vue component for searching with suggestions
- vue-json-search (opens new window) - Headless Vue 3.x component for easy and simple JSON-based search
- vue-search-input (opens new window) - A Vue 3 search input component, inspired by the global search input of Storybook and GitHub
# Miscellaneous UI Components
- vue-avatar (opens new window) - An avatar component for vue.js.
- vue-touch-ripple (opens new window) - Touch ripple component for Vue.js(1.x ~ 2.x).
- vue-typer (opens new window) - Vue component that simulates a user typing, selecting, and erasing text.
- vue-keyboard (opens new window) - Vue 2 virtual keyboard component.
- vue-twentytwenty (opens new window) - Image comparison component, works with Vue.js 2.x
- vue-cookie-law (opens new window) - Cookie info plugin for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-gravatar (opens new window) - A dead-simple gravatar component for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-clipboard2 (opens new window) - An easy to use clipboard.js binding for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-flashcard (opens new window) - FLashcard component with animation for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-truncate-collapsed (opens new window) - A simple component that truncates your text and adds a 'Read More/Show Less' clickable for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-kanban (opens new window) - A flexible drag and drop kanban board component
- vue-letter-avatar (opens new window) - A simple and elegant letter avatar component for vue.js
- vue-highlightjs (opens new window) - Syntax highlighting with highlight.js
- v-clipboard (opens new window) - Simple, tiny and easy to use directive to save your models to clipboard (less than 2kb minified, no dependencies)
- vue-invisible-recaptcha (opens new window) - Super easy integration for Google's Invisible reCAPTCHA
- vue-embed (opens new window) - Embed component is based on embed.js for Vue 2.x, a component that embeds emojis, media, maps, tweets, gists, code, services and markdown.
- vue-particles (opens new window) - Vue.js component for particles backgrounds
- vue-uniq-ids (opens new window) - Vue.js 2.x plugin that helps to use id-related attributes with no side-effect
- vue-multivue (opens new window) - Use multiple vue apps of the same class on the same page.
- vue-affix (opens new window) - A Vue.js 2.x plugin that affixes an element in the window while you scroll, similar to Bootstrap Affix but much simpler and smarter
- X-Browser-Update-Vue (opens new window) - A Vue.js browser-update plugin.
- vue-query-builder (opens new window) - A UI component for building complex queries with nested conditionals.
- vue-info-card (opens new window) - A simple and beautiful card component with an elegant spark line and CSS3 flip animation.
- v-offline (opens new window) - Simple, tiny and easy to use detection of offline & online events for your Vue app (less than 390b minified)
- vue-word-cloud (opens new window) - A word cloud generator.
- vue-flat-surface-shader (opens new window) - A Vue component for flat surface shader (opens new window)
- vue-easteregg (opens new window) - Easey add an easteregg to your vue app (default with konami code)
- vue-barcode-scanner (opens new window)
- vue-heatmapjs (opens new window) - A Vue directive for tracking and visualising mouse activity
- vue-maze (opens new window) - An itty-bitty maze game made as Vue.js component
- vue-drag-verify (opens new window) - This is a vue component, which is sliding to unlock for login or sign up.
- vue-balloon (opens new window) - Vue components for creating fixed, zoomable containers in the corner of a page. Similar to the mail composition wrapper used in gmail.
- vue-sticker (opens new window) - Sticker effect to any directions
- v-rating (opens new window) - Rating component in Semantic-UI made with VueJS (< 500B gzipped, blazing fast)
- vue-content-placeholders (opens new window) - Composable components for rendering fake (progressive) content like facebook in vue
- vue-page-designer (opens new window) - Vue component for drag-and-drop to design and build mobile website.
- vue-creativecommons (opens new window) - CreativeCommons.org Vue.js components library.
- vue-status-indicator (opens new window) - A Vue.js component to show status indicator as colored dots.
- vue-google-adsense (opens new window) - Vue.js Google Adsense Component with InFeed and InArticle Ads support
- emoji-vue (opens new window) - Emoji dropdown for Vue.js project
- vue-chessboard (opens new window) - Chessboard vue component to load positions, create positions and see threats.
- vue-mindmap (opens new window) - Vue component for mindnode maps.
- v-currency (opens new window) - Vue component for formatting currency.
- vue-emoji-picker (opens new window) - Highly customizable unicode emoji picker
- vue-8-puzzle (opens new window) - An itty-bitty slide puzzle game made as Vue.js component
- vue-e164 (opens new window) - Customizable phone formatter with E.164 standart support
- vue-pgn (opens new window) - Vue.js component for viewing chess games in pgn format
- vue-avatar-editor (opens new window) - Resize, rotate and crop your uploaded avatar using a clear user interface.
- vue-connection-listener (opens new window) - Vue event bus plugin listening for online/offline changes.
- vue-sauce (opens new window) - "View source" directive for Vue.
- vue-prom (opens new window) - Vue promise wrapper component.
- numeric-keyboard (opens new window) - Numeric keyboard for mobile browsers.
- vue-zoom-on-hover (opens new window) - Image zoom on mouse hover
- vue-responsive-image (opens new window) - A Vue component that lets you quickly create responsive image tags with an optimal number of image sources for all devices.
- vue-highlight-text (opens new window) - Vue component for highlight multiple instances of a word
- vue-cast-props (opens new window) - Provides a convenient way of converting props to common data types.
- vue2-heropatterns (opens new window) - A Vue2 implementation allowing you to add the popular Hero Patterns onto any Div
- vue-link (opens new window) - One component to link them all (treat external and internal links same)
- vue-identify-network (opens new window) - Identify what kinda internet your users are using!
- vue-cloneya (opens new window) - A vue component to clone DOM elements
- vue-survey-builder (opens new window) - Survey builder for vue.js applications
- vue-if-bot (opens new window) - A lightweight component to hide/show content to clients based on the user agent
- vue-clampy (opens new window) - Vue.js (2+) directive that clamps the content of an element by adding an ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long.
- vue-cookie-accept-decline (opens new window) - Show a banner with text, a decline button, and an accept button on your page. Remembers selection using cookies. Emits an event with current selection on creation. Good for GDPR requirements.
- @lossendae/vue-avatar (opens new window) - An avatar component for VueJS 2.0.
- vue-text-highlight (opens new window) - Text highlighter library for Vue.js
- vue2-hammer (opens new window) - Hammer.js wrapper for Vue 2.x to support mobile touch..
- vue-countable (opens new window) - Vue binding for countable.js. Provides real-time paragraph, sentence, word, and character counting.
- v-show-slide (opens new window) - A Vue.js directive for animating an element to and from height: auto in a sliding motion.
- vue-swipe-actions (opens new window) - iOS style swipe actions for Vue.js
- vue-friendly-iframe (opens new window) - A Vue js component for creating super fast loading, non-blocking iframes.
- vue-beautiful-chat (opens new window) - A simple and beautiful Vue chat component backend agnostic, fully customizable and extendable.
- vue-magnifier (opens new window) - A simple image zooming / magnifying component for Vue.js 2.x.
- vue-highlight-words (opens new window) - Vue component to highlight words within a larger body of text. Ported from react-highlight-words (opens new window)
- vue-tags-ball (opens new window) - Create a beautiful and spherical tag with this plugin
- vue-rippler (opens new window) - Simple Vue.js plugin for custom ripple effect
- vue-contacts (opens new window) - Mobile contacts component for Vue
- basic-vue-chat (opens new window) - Easy to use Vue.js chat
- vue-resize-text (opens new window) - A vue directive which automatically resize font size based on element width.
- vue-github-profile (opens new window) - A vue component to view the profile and repos of determined user
- vue-niege (opens new window) - Single File Vue component to add a snow storm through a canvas.
- vue-dynamic-star-rating (opens new window) - A highly dynamic vue stars rating component, like google play rating
- vue-katex (opens new window) - Simple plugin for math typsetting using KaTeX in Vue.js
- vue-baberrage (opens new window) - A simple Barrage plugin Base on Vue.js
- vue-terminal-ui (opens new window) - Terminal UI emulator Vue: custom and basic commands
- vue-command (opens new window) - A fully working Vue.js terminal emulator
- vue-ribbon (opens new window) - Vue component for GitHub ribbons
- avatio-avatar (opens new window) - Vue component for illustrated avatars - used by Avatio (opens new window)
- vue-jazzicon (opens new window) - A dead-simple Jazzicon component for Vue.
- vue-star-rating (opens new window) - A simple, highly customizable star rating component
- vue-fixed-header (opens new window) - Simple and cross-browser friendly fixed header component for Vue.js written by TypeScript.
- vue-particle-effect-buttons (opens new window) - A bursting particles effects buttons component.
- vue-insomnia (opens new window) - Prevent display screen from sleeping (wake lock).
- vue-car-plate-keyboard (opens new window) - A car license plate number keyboard for VueJS 2.x.(车牌号输入键盘,支持新能源车牌)
- vue-dataflow-editor (opens new window) - Vue2 dataflow graph editor
- vue-twemoji-picker (opens new window) - A fast plug-n-play Twemoji Picker (+textarea for Twemoji rendering) for Vue
- vuejs-avataaars (opens new window) - Simple avatar generator Vue component for avataaars.
- vue-moveable (opens new window) - A Vue Component that creates Moveable, Draggable, Resizable, Scalable, Rotatable, Warpable and more
- vue-camera-gestures (opens new window) - Let users control your Vue app using AI and gestures in front of their camera in just 1 line in your HTML template
- vue-aspect-ratio (opens new window) - A tiny component to handle aspect ratios with no effort
- query-builder-vue (opens new window) - A query-builder library for building complex and nested queries with draggable re-ordering
- vue-meeting-selector (opens new window) - A meeting selector inspired by doctolib, fast and fully custom made with TypeScript
- cool-emoji-picker (opens new window) - A fast plug-n-play [Tw]emoji Picker (+textarea for Twemoji rendering) component for Vue – vue-web-cam (opens new window) - Webcam component for VueJs -vue-cursor-fx (opens new window) - An animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigation, galleries and carousels
- vuetimeline (opens new window) - One easy-to-use component to build beautiful responsive timelines
- v-emoji-picker (opens new window) - A Lightweight and customizable package of Emoji Picker in Vue using emojis natives (unicode)
- learnawesome-flashcard (opens new window) - Deck of flashcards with spaced-repetition via localStorage
- vue-portfolio-viewer (opens new window) - Scroll animated portfolio viewer component for Vue.js
- vue-text-middle-ellipsis (opens new window) - A simple vue-directive(2+) that clamps the content in the middle of the element if the content inside is too long
- vuesence-book (opens new window) - Documentation/help system component
- vue-turnjs (opens new window) - A component library to add book experience to your app
- vuesence-sliding-header (opens new window) - Sliding header(s) for top navigation bar(s)
- tsParticles (opens new window) - A lightweight JavaScript library to easily create highly configurable and interactive particle animations
- @bananajs/vue3-book-component (opens new window) - Book component for Vue 3. It provides easy, flexible API and great customizability
- @bananajs/vue2-book-component (opens new window) - Book component for Vue 2. It provides easy, flexible API and great customizability
- vue-image-zoomer (opens new window) - Image zoom component for Vue.js 2 & 3, that also works on touch devices
- vue-show-more-text (opens new window) - Vue multiline sentence ellipsis component. The text in the component will be truncated
- vue-copy-to-clipboard (opens new window) - Vue.js 3 plugin to copy text to clipboard (Vue 3)
- ej2-vue-kanban (opens new window) - Vue Kanban - Flexible layout to create Scrum-like boards
- ej2-vue-layouts (opens new window) - Vue package contains cards, avatars, splitter and dashboard layout components
- vue-advanced-chat (opens new window) - Feature-rich and fully customizable chat rooms component. Support files, images, videos, audio, emojis, customised actions, etc.
- vue-visual-filter (opens new window) - An unopinionated advanced visual filtering component for Vue 2 and 3
- vue-easter-egg-trigger (opens new window) - This packages makes it nice and easy to add Easter Egg triggers to your Vue 2 site. Vue 3 (opens new window) version also available
- vue-word-highlighter (opens new window) - The word highlighter library for Vue 2 and Vue 3
- vue3-emoji-picker (opens new window) - Simple and powerful emoji picker for Vue 3
- vue-mathjax (opens new window) - A Vue.js Plugin for Mathjax
- vue-mathjax-next (opens new window) - A Vue 3 plugin for Mathjax
- vue-connect-wallet (opens new window) - A Vue plugin for connecting to Web3 wallets with a UI button + MetaMask utils
- vue-magnifier (opens new window) - Vue 3 image zoom component
- vue-spruce (opens new window) - A collection of useful Vue 2 renderless components
- vue-web-terminal (opens new window) - A feature-rich and powerful web terminal plugin for Vue 2 & Vue 3 (功能强大的网页命令行终端插件)
- vite-plugin-vue-preview (opens new window) - A Vite plugin for code preview, of course you can also use the component separately
- vue3-calendar-heatmap (opens new window) - A lightweight calendar heatmap Vue 3 component built on SVG
- vue-code-block (opens new window) - Vue 3 CodeBlock - Highlight your code with ease using this syntax highlighting component powered by PrismJS or Highlight.js
- v-image-magnifier (opens new window) - A Vue 3 plugin that provides interactive image zoom functionality. Allow users to zoom in on an image by hovering over it, providing an enlarged view of the corresponding part of the image
- Everright-filter (opens new window) - A query builder component for Vue 3. Supports filtering of multiple data types, including string, number, dropdown, cascade, region, date, and time
- @kolirt/vue-web3-auth (opens new window) - Web3 authentication for Vue 3 apps based on WalletConnect v2 and wagmi
- zoom-image (opens new window) - A little yet powerful framework agnostic library to zoom image on the web
- vue-mrz-scanner (opens new window) - A Vue component to scan MRZ on passports, visa cards, etc. It is based on Dynamsoft Label Recognizer
- vue-surf (opens new window) - A very customized animated svg wave Vue component. Online Demo (opens new window)
# Tabs
- vue-tabs (opens new window) - Simple tabs and pills.
- vue-swipe-tabs (opens new window) - A touch swipe tab component for vue.js(vue2).
- vue-tabs-component (opens new window) - An easy way to display tabs with Vue.
- vue-k-tabs (opens new window) - A simple tabs components with Gitlab design.]
- vue-tabs-with-active-line (opens new window) - Simple Vue 2 component, that allows you to make tabs with moving bottom line
- vue-tabs-chrome (opens new window) - A Vue component for Chrome-like tabs.
- vue-tiny-tabs (opens new window) - A minimalistic tabs component as tinytabs Vuejs wrapper (size < 3.1kb)
- vue-lumino (opens new window) - A component to use Vue.js with Jupyter Lumino (PhosphorJS), integrating DOM & VDOM through event listeners and Vue reactivity system
- vue-router-tab (opens new window) - Vue.js tab components, based on Vue Router
- vue3-tabs (opens new window) - A touch swipe tabs component for vue 3
- ej2-vue-navigations (opens new window) - Content panel to show multiple contents in a specific space, one at a time
- vue3-tabs-chrome (opens new window) - A Vue 3 component for Chrome-like tabs
- vue-nav-tab (opens new window) - Tab components for Vue.js 3 project
# Form
Let the user create & edit data
# Phone Number Input Formatter
- vue-phone-number-input (opens new window) - A beautiful input to format & valid phone number with country code
- vue-tel-input (opens new window) - International Telephone Input with Vue
# Pincode Input
- vue-pincode-input (opens new window) - Smart pincode input component
# Picker
- vue-smooth-picker (opens new window) - A smooth picker component for Vue 2.x, like iOS native datetime picker.
- vue-scroll-picker (opens new window) - A scroll picker component for Vue 2.x. Support all gestures of mouse(also wheel) and touch
- vue-fontawesome-picker (opens new window) - a font awesome icon picker component for Vue 2.x
- vue3-scroll-picker (opens new window) - A scroll picker component for Vue 3
- vue-wheel-picker (opens new window) - Customizable picker with 3D wheel and all gestures supported for Vue 2
# Generator
- FormSchema Native (opens new window) - Generate a form using JSON Schema and Vue.js
- vue-generator (opens new window) - Initial router and components for the Vue project.
- vue-form-json (opens new window) - Generate a vue form with validation and bulma style, from json
- form-create (opens new window) - Form builder with dynamic rendering, data collection, validation, and submission capabilities, supporting json data
- element-form-builder (opens new window) - Build element-ui forms with JSON Schema.
- ncform (opens new window) - A very nice configuration generation way to develop form
- Laraform (opens new window) - Advanced form builder for Vue.js with Laravel support
- vue-ele-form (opens new window) - Vue DataForm, based on element-ui
- vue-otp-2 (opens new window) - Vue OTP input 2, A Vue component for OTP input
- vue-form-generator (opens new window) - A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js
- vue-form-builder (opens new window) - Build powerful vue form with JSON schema and composition api, popular ui frameworks such as Element UI, View UI, Ant Design Vue are supported. Online Demo (opens new window)
- vue-dynamic-inputs (opens new window) - Create dynamic forms with Buefy from JSON Online Demo (opens new window)
- Vue Flow Form (opens new window) - Create conversational conditional-logic forms with Vue.js. Online Demo (opens new window)
- vue-dd-form (opens new window) - Build forms only by describing data nodes - without programming! Online Demo (opens new window)
- vue3-otp-input (opens new window) - A fully customizable, OTP (one-time-password) input component built with Vue 3.x and Vue Composition API
- Vueform (opens new window) - Probably the most comprehensive form builder for Vue.js Online Demo (opens new window)
- IFstruct-parser-vue (opens new window) - Converts iofod (opens new window) edited projects into production-ready Vue projects
- Everright-formEditor (opens new window) - A visual drag-and-drop low-code form editor
# Date Picker
Date / datetime / time Picker
- vue-datepicker (opens new window) (unmaintained) - Calendar and datepicker component with material design for Vue.js.
- vue2-timepicker (opens new window) - A dropdown time picker (hour|minute|second) for Vue 2.x, with flexible time format support. (Back and recharged in 2019)
- vuejs-datepicker (opens new window) - A simple Vue.js datepicker component. Supports disabling of dates, inline mode, translations.
- vuedt (opens new window) - Crazy lightweight (<5kb!) Vuejs Date and Time picker component with i18n support, nice animations and not too much fuzz
- vue-flatpickr-component (opens new window) - Vue.js component for flatpickr (opens new window) datetime picker
- vue-bootstrap-datetimepicker (opens new window) - Vue.js component for eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker (opens new window)
- vue-jalaali-datepicker (opens new window) - Jalaali calendar and datepicker for vue.js 2.
- vue-date-picker (opens new window) - A vue date picker component inspired by material design
- vue-monthly-picker (opens new window) - Vue.js component for month and year picker only
- vue-hotel-datepicker (opens new window) - A responsive date range picker that displays the number of nights selected, allows custom check-in/check-out rules, blocking dates, localization support and more.
- vue2-persian-datepicker (opens new window) - An awesome Persian datepicker component for vue. کامپوننت انتخاب تاریخ برای ویو.
- vue-datetime (opens new window) - Mobile friendly datetime picker for Vue. Supports date, datetime and time modes, i18n and disabling dates.
- vue-rangedate-picker (opens new window) - Range date picker with simple usage
- v2-datepicker (opens new window) - A simple datepicker component based Vue 2.x.
- vue-datepicker-local (opens new window) - A Beautiful Datepicker Component For Vue2.
- vue-airbnb-style-datepicker (opens new window) - A Vue datepicker with a similar look and functionality as the popular AirBnb datepicker. Lightweight, configurable and good browser support!
- vue-persian-datetime-picker (opens new window) - Persian material datepicker. Supports datetime, date, time, year, month.
- VCalendar (opens new window) - Very customizable and powerful calendar/datepicker component with many features and good documentation.
- @owumaro/vue-date-range-picker (opens new window) - A vue component using Bootstrap 4 styles for date range selection
- vue-datepicker-mobile (opens new window) - A mobile friendly datepicker for vue2. 🇨🇳 select one day or range of date and custom it that you wish.
- vue-draggable-cal (opens new window) - Not your ordinary datepicker. A Vuejs draggable date selector with a fresh responsive design, mobile ready and 0 dependencies, 17kb gzipped.
- vue-vanilla-datetime-picker (opens new window) - Datetime picker for Vue.
- vue2-daterange-picker (opens new window) - Vue2 date range picker based on bootstrap-daterangepicker (no jQuery dependency)
- vue-timeselector (opens new window) - Fully and simply customizable powerful time picker component for Vue.js.
- vue-date-picker (opens new window) - Lightweight datepicker component for Vue 2.x.
- vue-ctk-date-time-picker (opens new window) - A beautiful VueJS component to pick date & time (with range mode)
- simple-vue2-datetimepicker (opens new window) - A simple, easy to use vue.js component for date and time picking.
- vue-business-hours (opens new window) - Vue component for selecting business hours in an administration panel or dashboard.
- material-vue-daterange-picker (opens new window) - a daterange picker of Material Design style for Vuejs 2.x, which is compatible with vuetify and friendly for mobile.
- vue-datepicker (opens new window) - A clean & responsive datepicker with Material Design style for Vuejs 2.x. (date/month/quarter && date range picker) 🆕
- ej2-vue-calendars (opens new window) - A user-friendly and advanced text input datetime picker
- @alireza-ab/vue-persian-datepicker (opens new window) - A datepicker component for select persian date (single and range selection, select date and time, select with keyboard, customizable style, localization)
- vue-easy-range-date-picker (opens new window) - A simple and easy VueJS (2.x) component for date range selection
- @vuepic/vue-datepicker (opens new window) - The most complete date picker solution for Vue 3
- vue-datepicker-next (opens new window) - Vue 3.x component for datepicker / timepicker / datetimepicker / calendar
# Select
- vue-select (opens new window) - A native Vue.js component that provides similar functionality to Select2 without the overhead of jQuery.
- vue-multiselect (opens new window) - Universal select/multiselect/tagging component for Vue.js.
- stf-vue-select (opens new window) - most flexible and customized select Vue2
- vue-select-image (opens new window) - Vue 2 Component for selecting image from list
- @riophae/vue-treeselect (opens new window) - A multi-select component with nested options support for Vue.js.
- @k186/pd-select (opens new window) - A mobile UI component like IOS picker for Vue 2.x,can be wheel pick what ever you defined.
- vue-dropdowns (opens new window) - A minimalistic and adaptable way to display select boxes if using objects for vue2.x
- v-cascade (opens new window) - A lovely component of cascade selector with Vue 2.x (Support both of PC and Mobile)
- vue-multi-select (opens new window) - A custom component to make select/multiselect for Vue2.
- v-region (opens new window) - A simple region selector, provide Chinese administrative division data.
- v-selectpage (opens new window) - A powerful selector for Vue 2, list or table view of pagination, use tags for multiple selection, i18n and server-side resources supports
- vue-cool-select (opens new window) - Bootstrap / Material Design theme, support slots, autocomplete, events, validation and more.
- @myena/advanced-select (opens new window) - Single/Multiple Select component with search, controls for (de)select all and a Bootstrap 3 theme
- @alfsnd/vue-bootstrap-select (opens new window) - Vue version of bootstrap-select (opens new window)
- vue-gridmultiselect (opens new window) - Simple multi-select component with items displayed in a table like UI
- @SamuelTrottier/vue-wheel-select (opens new window) - A simple scrolling select component.
- vue-search-select (opens new window) - Searchable select components and semantic-ui's dropdown compatible
- vue-select-sides (opens new window) - A component for Vue.js to select double-sided data (2-sides)
- vue-selectize (opens new window) - A Vue.js component wrapper around Selectize.js, a vanilla JS select component
- @vueform/multiselect (opens new window) - Vue 3 multiselect component with single select, multiselect and tagging options
- ej2-vue-dropdowns (opens new window) - Vue multi-select dropdown component with dynamic option selection
- vue-country-code (opens new window) - Vue 2 Country code select
- vue-cool-box-selector (opens new window) - Fancy versatile, box/button/image selector for Vue 2 and 3 ~1KB
# Slider
- vue-slider-component (opens new window) - Slider for vue1.x and vue2.x.
- vue-circle-slider (opens new window) - Circle slider component for vue2.x.
- vue-slide-bar (opens new window) - Very simple vue slider bar component.
- textra (opens new window) - Vue js add-on to slide text.
- vue-knob-control (opens new window) - A rotary knob control for Vue.js
- iv-slider (opens new window) - Slider component for vue2.x.
- vue-histogram-slider (opens new window) - Range slider with histogram for Vue.js
- xns-seek-bar (opens new window) - A seekable progress plugin for Vue 2.x
- @vueform/slider (opens new window) - Vue 3 slider component with multihandles, tooltips merging and formatting
- ej2-vue-inputs (opens new window) - Vue Slider – Smart and responsive range slider
# Drag and Drop
- vuedraggable-plus (opens new window) - Vue component allowing drag-and-drop sorting module, support Vue>=v3 or Vue>=2.7. Based on Sortable.js
- vue-dragula (opens new window) - Drag and drop so simple it hurts.
- vue2-dragula (opens new window) - A
fork forVue2
, with a lot of improvements. - awe-dnd (opens new window) - A sortable list directive with Vue.
- vue-draggable-resizable (opens new window) - Vue2 component for draggable and resizable elements.
- vddl (opens new window) - Vue components for modifying lists with the HTML5 drag & drop API, supports VueJs versions 1 and 2.
- vue-drag-drop (opens new window) - A minimal and lightweight wrapper for the HTML5 Drag and Drop API.
- vue-swing (opens new window) - A swipeable cards interface, as seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.
- vue-slicksort (opens new window) - A dependency-free set of mixins for animated, touch-friendly, sortable lists
- draggable-vue-directive (opens new window) - A simple directive to handle drag and drop of any Vue component.
- vue-smooth-dnd (opens new window) - Vue wrappers of smooth-dnd library. drag and drop, sortable library covering for many cases.
- vue-drag-resize (opens new window) - A dependency-free Vue component for draggable and resizable elements with aspect ratio, reactive props etc
- vue-drag-it-dude (opens new window) - Vue2 component, that allows you to drag object wherever you want.
- vue-draggable (opens new window) - Vue Drag and Drop library without any dependency. Simple and easy to use.
- vue-nestable (opens new window) - A simple drag & drop hierarchical list made as a vue component.
- vue-tinder (opens new window) - Have your own Tinder and TanTan
- vue-draggable-nested-tree (opens new window) - A powerful customizable draggable tree view component for Vuejs2 @phphe (opens new window)
- vue-card-swipe (opens new window) - A touch slider for vue.js, support sliding in any direction to switch cards, compatible with PC and mobile
- vue-drag-n-drop (opens new window) - A simple kanban board where the items can be dragged and dropped from the list on to the board
- vue-card-stack (opens new window) - Stackable, swipeable, tweakable Vue card component
- vue-drag-drop-snap (opens new window) - A dependency-free Vue component for drag and drop with snapping
- vue3-dnd (opens new window) - React DnD in composition API implementation, Use the composition API for sortable and free draggable, Supported Vue 2, Vue 3
- sortablejs-vue3 (opens new window) - A Vue 3 component acting as a thin wrapper around SortableJS
# Autocomplete
Autosuggest / autocomplete / typeahead
- vue-instant (opens new window) - Vue instant allows you to easily create custom search controls with auto suggestions for your vue 2 applications.
- v-autocomplete (opens new window) - Autocomplete component for Vue.js
- vue-auto-complete (opens new window) - Autocomplete for Vue2. Works with objects or api calls.
- vue-autosuggest (opens new window) - WAI-ARIA complete Autosuggest component with full customization over rendering and styling.
- v-autosuggest (opens new window) - A simple modular Vuejs component that autosuggest input from a dynamic or static data querying.
- autocomplete (opens new window) - Simple Autocomplete component for Vue.js 2.*
- vue-infinite-autocomplete (opens new window) - Vue infinite-autocomplete wrapper for Vue.js 2.*
- vue-simple-suggest (opens new window) - Simple yet feature-rich autocomplete component for Vue.js
- v-suggest (opens new window) - A Vue2 plugin for input content suggestions, support keyboard to quick pick.
- vue-bootstrap-typeahead (opens new window) - An typeahead/autocomplete component for Vue2 using Bootstrap 4 CSS.
- vue-email-dropdown (opens new window) - An autocomplete for custom email domains
- vue-combo-blocks (opens new window) - Small, accessible, customizable and "renderless" autocomplete component for Vue
- ej2-vue-dropdowns (opens new window) - Vue auto-complete (typeahead) text box component with search suggestion
# Type Select
Let the user select a tag / something while typing
- vue-input-tag (opens new window) - Vue.js 2.0 Input Tag Component.
- v-distpicker (opens new window) A flexible, highly available district picker for picking provinces, cities and districts of China for Vue.js 2.x.
- vue-img-inputer (opens new window) - A graceful, highly customizable img type input for Vue 2
- vue-img-preview (opens new window) - An image input preview component in vue 2
- v-image (opens new window) - Tiny little component for input type=file (< 1kb, gzipped)
- @voerro/vue-tagsinput (opens new window) - A simple tags input Vue.js 2 component with typeahead/autocomplete
- vue-tag-selector (opens new window) - Tag-like input. Light, customizable and handles REGEX validation!
- vue-input-text-to-tags (opens new window) - An input component that can create tags for the result display
# Color Picker
- vue-color (opens new window) - Vue Color Pickers for Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome & more.
- vue-swatches (opens new window) - Help the user picking beautiful colors!
- radial-color-picker (opens new window) - Minimalistic color picker with a focus on size, accessibility and performance.
- vue-color-picker-board (opens new window) - Vue Color Picker component designed for humans!
- verte (opens new window) - A Complete Vue.js Color Picker Component.
- vue-color-input (opens new window) – Vue 3 color picker component whose goal is to replace
<input type="color">
- vuetify-color-field (opens new window) - Vuetify Color Field is a Vuetify VTextField color picker component
# Switch
Switch / on/off toggle / checkbox
- vue-switches (opens new window) - An on/off switch component for Vue.js with theme support.
- vue-js-toggle-button (opens new window) - Vue.js 2.0+ toggle / switch button - simple, pretty, customizable.
- vue-checkbox-radio (opens new window) - A Vue component to easily styling checkbox and radio inputs.
- vue-enhanced-check (opens new window) - Vue component to redesign/labelize checkbox/radio, including toggle/switch button.
- pretty-checkbox-vue (opens new window) - Implementation of pretty checkbox 3 (opens new window)(A pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons) components for Vue.js 2.2+.
- vue2-collapse (opens new window) - Vue Collapse is a flexible content toggling plugin for the accordion lists or any other conditional content rendering.
- vue-badger-accordion (opens new window) - A wrapping Component for Badger Accordion for Vue.js 2.0+
- vue-loading-checkbox (opens new window) - A highly customizable Vue.js checkbox UI component with loading state
- vue-rocker-switch (opens new window) - A customizable rocker switch component for Vue.js.
- vue-toggle-btn (opens new window) - A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use elegant toggle/switch button component
- vue-tristate-checkbox (opens new window) - Cycling tristate checkbox that supports form submission
- vue-toggles (opens new window) - A highly customizable and accessible toggle component
- @vueform/toggle (opens new window) - Vue 3 toggle component with labels, custom slots and styling options
- vue-collapsed (opens new window) - Vue 3 CSS height transition from any to auto and vice versa. Accordion ready
# Masked Input
- vue-masked-input (opens new window) - Masked input component for Vue.js.
- vue-text-mask (opens new window) - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript.
- vue-ip-input (opens new window) - An ip input implemented by vuejs.
- vue-numeric (opens new window) - Input field component to display currency value based on Vue.
- awesome-mask (opens new window) - Mask directive based on a pure and simply VanillaJS implementation
- v-money (opens new window) - Tiny (<2k gzipped) input/directive mask for currency
- vue-autonumeric (opens new window) - A Vue.js component that wraps the awesome AutoNumeric (opens new window) input formatter library
- vue-inputmask (opens new window) - Vue.js directive to add Robin Herbots' inputmask library to your inputs (vanilla javascript).
- vue-input-number (opens new window) - A custom input number component for Vue.js 2.
- v-unicode (opens new window) - Vue directive to restrict an input by unicode values.
- vue-cleave-component (opens new window) - Vue.js component for cleave.js (opens new window)
- vue-ip (opens new window) - An ip address input with port and material design support
- vue-r-mask (opens new window) - Directive with template similar to javascript regular expression.
- vue-input-code (opens new window) - Base on Vue.js 2.0+ verification code input component.
- label-edit (opens new window) - Inspired by Trello. Click to show editable input and return the value changes. This is a Vue Component.
- vue-jquery-mask (opens new window) - Vue.js v2.x component for jQuery Mask Plugin (opens new window)
- vue-currency-input (opens new window) - Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js.
- vue-thumb (opens new window) - An Upload field mask of an Image for Vue 2
- vue-restricted-input (opens new window) - Input mask library for vue.js based on restricted-input (opens new window)
- vue-input-facade (opens new window) - A lightweight and dependency free input masking library created specific for Vue, originally a fork of the famous vue-text-mask but actively maintained and with lots of improvements after there
- ej2-vue-inputs (opens new window) - Vue input mask component with custom masking
# Rich Text Editing
- vue-quill-editor (opens new window) - Quill editor component for Vue2.
- vue-mobiledoc-editor (opens new window) - A mobiledoc editor component toolkit for Vuejs.
- vue2-medium-editor (opens new window) - A MediumEditor component for Vue 2.
- vue-froala-wysiwyg (opens new window) - Official VueJS plugin for Froala WYSIWIG HTML Editor.
- vue-at (opens new window) - At.js for Vue.
- vue-wysiwyg (opens new window) - Lightweight, fast & extensible WYSIWYG editor
- vue-trumbowyg (opens new window) - Vue.js component for Trumbowyg (opens new window) WYSIWYG editor
- vue-pell-editor (opens new window) - Vue.js component for Pell (opens new window) WYSIWYG editor
- vue-tinymce-editor (opens new window) - Tinymce editor component for Vue2.
- vue-mce (opens new window) - tinymce editor component for VueJS.
- Vue2-Editor (opens new window) - HTML Editor using Vue.js and Quilljs
- vue-codemirror (opens new window) - A Codemirror component for Vue2.
- vue-easy-tinymce (opens new window) - A simple and powerful package for easy usage of tinymce in Vue.js project.
- vue-highlightable-input (opens new window) - Highlight and style text as you're typing
- vue-trix (opens new window) - Simple and lightweight Trix rich-text editor for Vue.js
- tiptap (opens new window) - A renderless and extendable rich-text editor for Vue.js
- toast-ui.vue-editor (opens new window) - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Editor (opens new window).
- ckeditor5-vue (opens new window) - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for Vue.js.
- yimo-vue-editor (opens new window) - A wangEditor2 component for Vue2.
- vue-mathlive (opens new window) - A MathLive math editor (mathfield) for Vue.js
- vue-editor-js (opens new window) - Next generation block styled editor for Vue.js
- element-tiptap (opens new window) - A WYSIWYG rich-text editor using tiptap and Element UI for Vue.js
- @mycure/vue-wysiwyg (opens new window) - 34Kb lightweight wysiwyg editor with NO 3rd party plugin
- ckeditor4-vue (opens new window) - An official CKEditor 4 rich text editor component for Vue.js
- ej2-vue-richtexteditor (opens new window) - Vue rich text editor component with Markdown editor
- vue-quill (opens new window) - A Vue 3 rich text editor component based on Quill Editor
# Image Manipulation
Edit images
- vue-core-image-upload (opens new window) - A vue plugin for image to crop and upload.
- vue-croppa (opens new window) - A simple straightforward customizable lightweight mobile-friendly image cropper for Vue 2.0.
- vue-cropper (opens new window) - A picture clipping plugin for vue2.0
- toast-ui.vue-image-editor (opens new window) - Vue Wrapper for TOAST UI Image Editor (opens new window).
- vue-quick-cropper (opens new window) - Vue mobile avatar upload cropping plugin can choose cropping area and zoom.
- vue-croppie (opens new window) - Yet another image cropper.
- vue-slim-cropper (opens new window) - A simple and elegant mobile image crop upload component for Vue 2.x.
- vue-advanced-cropper (opens new window) - An advanced cropper that gives you opportunity to create almost any cropper that you desire
- vue-anka-cropper (opens new window) - Image cropper and uploader, rectangular and circular crop, customizable CSS
- vue-picture-cut (opens new window) - Image cropper:scale, flip, rotate, edge check, rectangle clip, ellipse clip
- vue-img-cutter (opens new window) - A vue plugin for image cutting tool,it's very convenient to use
Display images
- vue-cloudinary (opens new window) - A vue (2.0) plugin that offers a reusable directive to get images from Cloudinary (opens new window) with dynamic manipulation (resizing, cropping, effects, watermarking, scaling, formatting) and optimization (webp, png, auto quality, auto retina).
- img-Vuer (opens new window) - An Mobile-First image viewer/gallery for Vue2
- vue-image-loader (opens new window) - A vue loader/progressive image plugin like Medium.
- vue-load-image (opens new window) - display loader during image loading, as well as by display alternate content when the image fails to load.
- vue-image-painter (opens new window) - Image magic animation drawing effect component for Vue 2.x
- vue-cosha (opens new window) - An easy to use vue directive that places a colourful shadow behind any image
- vue-image-kit (opens new window) - Vue.js Image Kit Component with Lazy Load built in and Responsive Images
- vue-preview-imgs (opens new window) - A picture preview plugin for Vue 3
- awesome-image (opens new window) - An universal image component for Vue 2 / Vue 3 / Nuxt with Lazyload / Responsive / Progressive / Auto-WebP / WebGL Filter / WebGL Transition supported
- TwicPics (opens new window) - Components replacing
tags with lazy loading, CLS optimization, and progressive loading out-of-the-box and enabling media optimization and manipulation
# Video Manipulation
- vue-playlist (opens new window) - A lightweight vue (2.0) component with no dependencies that offers truly seamless HTML5 video playback. The one and only working solution for seamless video play done with vanilla JS. It takes an array of videos and stitches them together into a single video
# File Upload
- vue-clip (opens new window) - Simple and hackable file uploader for VueJs. Supports Vue >= 2.1.
- vue-simple-upload (opens new window) - Simple File upload component for Vue.js.
- vue2-multi-uploader (opens new window) - A drag and drop multiple file uploader component that uses Vue.js v2 and Axios. Uploader shows file names, sizes and total size of files added. It also allows setting a minimum required number of files to upload.
- vue-dropzone (opens new window) - A Vue.js (vue2) component for Dropzone.js - a drag’n’drop file uploads utility with image previews.
- vue-transmit (opens new window) - A purely Vue.js drag & drop uploader component based on Dropzone.js for Vue 2.0
- vue-upload-component (opens new window) - Vue upload component, Multi-file upload, Upload directory, Drag upload, Drag the directory. Supports Vue >= 2.0
- vue-uploader (opens new window) - A Vue.js upload component powered by simple-uploader.js
- ic-firebase-uploader (opens new window) - A clean multi-file upload component for Firebase storage.
- vuejs-uploader (opens new window) - A resumable multipart file uploader for HUGE file uploads.
- vue-filepond (opens new window) - A Vue.js component for FilePond - a file upload library that can upload anything you throw at it.
- v-uploader (opens new window) - A Vue2 plugin to make files upload simple and easier, you can drag files or select file in dialog to upload
- vue-file-agent (opens new window) - Full-featured drag & drop enabled Vue file upload component with previews and upload progress
- vue-cloudinary-uploader (opens new window) - A Cloudinary image cropper and uploader component for Vue.js
- ej2-vue-inputs (opens new window) - Vue File Upload - Flexible file upload component with progress bar
- vue-dropify (opens new window) - A simple image dropzone component for Vue.js
- vue-file-upload (opens new window) - A file management system that allows for single and multiple file uploading with a preview feature
# Context Menu
- vue-context-menu (opens new window) - A context menu component for vue js.
- vue-lil-context-menu (opens new window) - A flexible lil context menu component for Vue.
- vue-mouse-menu (opens new window) - A popup menu for vue 2.6+ with support for mobile
- vue-context (opens new window) - A simple but flexible context menu for vue js.
- vue-simple-context-menu (opens new window) - Simple context-menu component built for Vue. Works well with both left and right clicks.
- vue-context-menu-popup (opens new window) - Context menu popup for Vue 2. Works on right click or can be triggered programmatically
- @kiyoaki_w/vue-context (opens new window) - A customizable context menu component built for Vue2, supporting fontawesome icons.
- @overcoder/vue-context-menu (opens new window) - Minimal context menus
# Miscellaneous Form Components
- vue-gmaps (opens new window) - Search places and address using Google Maps API.
- vuep (opens new window) - A component for rendering Vue components with live editor and preview.
- vue-places (opens new window) - Places component is based on places.js for Vue 2.x. Turn any input into an address autocomplete.
- vue-password-strength-meter (opens new window) - Password strength meter based on zxcvbn in vue.js.
- vue-float-label (opens new window) - Float label pattern for Vue.js.
- vue-longpress (opens new window) - A VueJS (2.x) button component that requires you to keep pressing to confirm a given action.
- vue-google-autocomplete (opens new window) - A Vue.js (2.x) autosuggest component for the Google Maps Places API.
- vue-default-value (opens new window) - Vue.js 2.x directive to set a default value for editable elements with no affect to the model state
- vue-model-autoset (opens new window) - A Vue.js plugin to workaround Vue limitation in observing dynamically added properties with v-model directive
- vue-submit (opens new window) - Simple implementation of Ladda (1 (opens new window), 2 (opens new window)) in less than 90 lines of code with no dependencies.
- vue-rate (opens new window) - Rate component for Vue
- vuetify-google-autocomplete (opens new window) - A Vuetify ready Vue.js (2.x) autosuggest component for the Google Maps Places API.
- vue-ripple-directive (opens new window) - Material Ripple Effect as Vue Directive.
- vue-fab (opens new window) - Vue Floating Action Button.
- vue-complexify (opens new window) - Vuejs porting library from jquery.complexify.js.
- vue-mc (opens new window) - Models and Collections for Vue.js
- vue-stars (opens new window) - Highly customizable rating control (using stars or other characters)
- vue-confirmation-button (opens new window) - Customizable confirmation button that requires users to read messages before performing an action
- vue-poll (opens new window) - A Vue.js component for voting
- vue-diagrams (opens new window) - Diagram component for vue.js, inspired by react-diagrams
- vue-easy-polls (opens new window) - A Vue.js component for creating polls, voting and showing results. It’s easy to implement and easy to customize.
- vue-m-button (opens new window) - A beautiful button component for vue.
- vue-long-click (opens new window) - Long click (long press) directive library for vue, support mobile and desktop.
- vue-ui-predicate (opens new window) - A rules editor, generic filtering UI, predicates component for Vue JS.
- vue-mobile-detection (opens new window) - Vue.js prototype function
that returns a Boolean value depending on whether or not the user is browsing with a mobile. - vue-input-contenteditable (opens new window) - A Vue component wrapper for
with all the features you normally expect. Make beautiful inputs without the restrictions ofinput[type='text']
- @utlime/vue-zoom (opens new window) - A Vue zoom component
- vue-credit-card (opens new window) - A Vue Component for Credit Card Input & Masking & Preview
- vue-simple-password-meter (opens new window) - Lightweight password strength meter with no dependency
- vue-autosizer (opens new window) - A light replacement for built-in
elements allowing them to automatically stretch to fit the content - vue-interactive-paycard (opens new window) - A fantastic credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interactions
- vue-paycard (opens new window) - Credit card component made with Vue.js
- vue-list-picker (opens new window) - Just a simple list picker component made with Vue.js
- vue-diagram-editor (opens new window) - Highly customizable diagram editor with slot-based nodes (vue^2.6)
- v-use-places-autocomplete (opens new window) - Vue composable for Google Maps Places Autocomplete
- vuetify-inline-fields (opens new window) - Vuetify Inline Fields Component Library offers a comprehensive collection of reusable UI components to create elegant and efficient inline form fields within your applications
# Wizard
- vue-form-wizard (opens new window) - Tab based component which can replace classic bootstrap & jQuery form wizards
- vue-stepper (opens new window) - A simple stepper with simple actions such as next, back and end to perform simple forms.
- vue-stepper-component (opens new window) - A fully customizable Stepper component with Vuex support and Zero dependencies.
- vue3-form-wizard (opens new window) - Vue3-form-wizard is a Vue based component with no extsernal depenendcies which simplifies tab wizard management
- vuecsv (opens new window) - A Simple CSV Downloader from json with option modal panel component.
# Comment System
- vue-comment-grid (opens new window) - Responsive Vue.js comment system plugin that built with CSS Grid and Firebase REST API + Authentication.
- fastcomments-vue (opens new window) - A Vue component for FastComments, a live commenting system
# Canvas
- vue-easeljs (opens new window) - Data-driven control over an HTML5 canvas element.
- vue-canvas-effect (opens new window) - A simple, canvas effect collection for Vue.js.
- vue-konva (opens new window) - Vue & Canvas - JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue.
- vue-html2canvas (opens new window) - Vue mixin to capture html and convert it to an image using Html2Canvas.
- vue-canvas-nest (opens new window) - A Vue.js component for canvas-nest.
- vue-signature-pad (opens new window) - A Vue Signature Pad Component
- vg-editor (opens new window) - A visual graph editor based on G6 and Vue, inspired by GGEditor
- vue-pencil.js (opens new window) - Build reactive 2D graphics scene in your Vue project
- vue-scratchable (opens new window) - A Vue.js wrapper component that turns everything into fun scratch cards
- vue-rough (opens new window) - Components for Rough.js, a graphics library that lets you draw in a sketchy, hand-drawn-like, style
- vue3-signature (opens new window) - An electronic signature component for Vue 3
- vue-signature (opens new window) - An electronic signature component for Vue2.x
- v-perfect-signature (opens new window) - Pressure-sensitive signature drawing for Vue 2 and Vue 3
- vue-drawing-grid (opens new window) - A simple drawing grid lets you create pixel arts using HTML5 canvas
# Link Preview
- link-prevue (opens new window) - Flexible component for generate a link preview.
# Tour
- vue-tour (opens new window) - Lightweight and customizable tour plugin
- vue-page-guide (opens new window) - Page tour / guide plugin with directive
- vue-stage-play (opens new window) - Step-by-step guided tour components for Vue 3
# Data Masking
- vue2-text-annotation (opens new window) - A Vue 2.x component for text annotation and manual data masking
# Authentication
- vue-auth-ui (opens new window) - Pre-built set of components for user authentication