# UI Layout
Layout for the overall / main view
- vue-waterfall (opens new window) - A waterfall layout component for Vue.js.
- vueisotope (opens new window) - Vue component for isotope filter & sort magical layouts.
- vue-grid-layout (opens new window) - A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
- vue-drag-zone (opens new window) - Drag Zone component for Vue.js(2.x).
- vue-masonry (opens new window) - Vue.js directive for masonry blocks layouting.
- vue-fraction-grid (opens new window) - Flexbox based responsive fraction grid system for Vue.js.
- vue-virtual-scroll-list (opens new window) - A vue (2.x) component support big data by using virtual scroll list.
- vue-virtual-scroller (opens new window) - Component to scroll a large amount of elements efficiently (Vue 2.x).
- vue-virtualscroll (opens new window) - [Vue 2.x] component to virtual scroll things.
- vue-inview (opens new window) - [Vue 2.x] Viewport, get notification when DOM element is entered or leave.
- dnd-grid (opens new window) - A vuejs grid with draggable and resizable boxes
- vue-extend-layout (opens new window) - Extend the default layout or create custom layouts for the pages of your Vue.js SPA
- vue-masonry-css (opens new window) - Vue.js Masonry layout component powered by CSS, dependency free
- vue-fullpage.js (opens new window) - Official fullPage.js component for Vue.js.
- vue-virtual-collection (opens new window) - Vue component for efficiently rendering large collection data.
- autoresponsive-vue (opens new window) - Auto responsive grid layout library for Vue.
- VueFlex (opens new window) - A flexbox grid system.
- v-chacheli (opens new window) - A Vue.js component to create and display custom dashboard-like grid layouts.
- vue-grid-styled (opens new window) - A lightweight set of functional grid components, ported from React's grid-styled (opens new window)
- simple-grid (opens new window) - Vue component for grid layout,support flex.
- vue-container-component (opens new window) - Simple container component inspired on Bootstrap Container
- vue-colcade (opens new window) - A small wrapper for integrating Colcade grid layout to Vuejs.
- vue-ads-layout (opens new window) - A small library of Vue components to quickly generate a responsive web application layout with toolbar, left/right drawers and a footer. All components can be positioned fixed or relative.
- vue-magic-grid (opens new window) - A tiny port of Magic Grid for Vue.js 2.
- vue-splitter-pane (opens new window) - A Vue.js component which renders two slots in a adjustable split arrangement (vertical or horizontal)
- splitpanes (opens new window) - A Vue JS reliable, simple and touch-ready panes splitter / resizer.
- vue-mock-layout (opens new window) - Easily mock the layout of your Vue apps.
- vue-simple-drawer (opens new window) - A tiny drawer panel with bounced animation, nest supported and theme customized. directions: left/right/up/down
- vue-grd (opens new window) - Simple, Light-weight and Flexible Vue.js component for grid layout
- vue-masonry-component (opens new window) - A Vue.js component wrapping masonry layout library
- vue-smart-widget (opens new window) - Smart widget is a flexible and extensible content container component for Vue.js 2.x
- vue-colrow (opens new window) - Responsive grid layout components: Row, Col. Based on css flexbox. Support SSR, fixed or fraction width, auto grow Col
- vue-diagonal (opens new window) - Simple and light-weight component to create diagonal elements
- vue-responsive-dash (opens new window) - A Responsive, Draggable & Resizable Dashboard (grid) made with vue and TypeScript
- vue-masonry-wall (opens new window) - A pure vue responsive masonry layout without direct dom manipulation, ssr friendly and lazy loading
- vue-horizontal-list (opens new window) - A pure vue responsive horizontal list layout with ssr support, mobile and touch friendly
- vue-layout-system (opens new window) - Vue components that solve daily layout problems
- simple-vue-grid (opens new window) - Simple grid containers that will help you to build layouts for your app
- iron-grid-system (opens new window) - A responsive grid system for Vue 3.x
- vue-re-resizable (opens new window) - Plugin for Vue 3 allows resizing components. Rewritten re-resizable (opens new window)
- vue-console-feed (opens new window) - A plugin that allows you to display console like Chrome DevTools for Vue
- vue-typed-virtual-list (opens new window) - [Vue 3.x] Small, efficient, TypeScript-friendly virtual scroller for rendering massive data
- fit-screen (opens new window) - A vue component based on the scale large screen adaptive solution
- vue-virtual-waterfall (opens new window) - A virtual waterfall component for Vue 3.x